Free Download Asset CleanUp Pro Page Speed Booster v1.2.5.3– Performance WordPress Plugin

Asset CleanUp Pro

What is Asset CleanUp Pro?

Asset Cleanup is a free plugin with a paid version that aims to help to remove unused css and unused js from your WordPress.

Using Asset Cleanup may become necessary for improving your WordPress LCP on certain pages unless you’re good at coding, it does improve the Core Web Vitals when you remove unused assets that load previously than the LCP.

Asset Cleanup Pro also reduces unnecessary HTTPS requests. For a large WordPress website, Asset Cleanup Pro is one of the great tools to improve Core Web Vitals.

Asset CleanUp Pro (page speed booster) – Plugin to optimize Website performance.

Manage CSS & javascript files on Home, Posts, Pages & Custom Post Types (e.g. WooCommerce product pages)

Asset CleanUp Pro Demo

The unlimited creative subscription

Features Asset CleanUp Pro: Performance WordPress Plugin

Asset CleanUp Pro
Asset CleanUp Pro (page speed booster) allows you to unload unused CSS styles & JS scripts on additional pages such as:
  • Taxonomy pages such as default WordPress’ categories, tags and custom created ones such as products’ categories from WooCommerce.
  • Author pages (e.g. the page showing all posts published by a specific author, detected via is_author() function)
  • Default WordPress Search Page
  • WooCommmerce Search Page (which has the same settings as the actual shop page detected via is_shop() function)
  • 404 Page (Not Found): this one has be as light as possible and it’s less likely that many of the CSS and JavaScript files that are needed here (detected via is_404() function)
  • Date Archive Page: this is any page that retrieves articles filtered by the date, detected via is_date() function
features of Asset CleanUp Pro Performance WordPress Plugin

*As for the loaded JavaScript files, attributes such as defer and async can be applied

There are a plethora of techniques that are often used to defer parsing; however, the simple and preferred technique is to simply Defer loading of JavaScript until it is needed. If this technique isn’t appropriate to use on your page, it is next suggested that you use the <script async> attribute where appropriate, which prevents parsing from blocking the initial page load by deferring it until the browser’s UI thread is not busy doing something else. All these settings can be applied with Asset CleanUp Pro without writing any code.

*Change the location of the CSS/JS files (could be moved from HEAD to BODY to prevent render-blocking or vice-versa if you need early triggering of specific files)

*Unload CSS/JS that is hardcoded (not loaded via the standard WordPress functions such as wp_enqueue_scripts()). The LINK/STYLE/SCRIPT tags could have been added via editing the PHP code (not using the right WordPress action hooks), directly inside posts content, widgets or via plugins such as “Insert Headers and Footers”, “Head, Footer and Post Injections”, etc.

*“Test Mode” Functionality → Worried about making optimization mistakes? Don’t be anymore!

This allows you to optimize the website (unload useless files, set async, defer to loaded JavaScript files, clean up HTML code) without applying the changes “live” (to the regular visitor) in case you ever have any doubts that a change could break the functionality of the page/website. Any changes you’ve done will only be applied for you (the logged in administrator). Once you’re happy with how the page looks and works, you can disable “Test Mode” to push the changes live so everyone else can enjoy the faster page loads.

Changelog Asset CleanUp Pro Plugin: Page Speed Booster

v1.2.5.2 – 19 Jun 2024
* CSS Minifier Improvement: Specific “var()” statements were minified incorrectly in Bootstrap / read more
* Fix: When CSS files about to be optimised (e.g. minified) contain “@import”, make sure the fetching and the combining of the imported CSS files is done properly (e.g. instead of loading five CSS files, only one will load, as the other four will be merged into the main one that had the @import in the first place)
* Fix: In some environments that have PHP 8+ installed, when non-admin users were logging-in an error was showing up: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, string given
* Fix: When using WP CLI (or something similar) and PHP 8.1+ is installed, a harmless error is showing up due to the fact that the global $_SERVER variable had missing keys / e.g. $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] is not detected, leading to an error such as “rtrim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated”

v1.2.5.1 – 15 Jun 2024
* Backend Speed Improvement: The plugin processes its PHP code faster, thus reducing the total processing time by ~40 milliseconds for non-cached pages (e.g. backend speed testing plugins such as “Query Monitor” and “Code Profiler” were used to optimize the PHP code)
* “Overview” area: Added the option to clear any rules set for plugins that are deactivated / deleted
* Fix: Sometimes rules were applied to hardcoded assets incorrectly as different tags without content were considered to be the same
* Fix: Make sure the “Update” button is disabled when submitting the form from the CSS/JS manager
* Fix in the “CSS/JS manager” area: If an attribute is set (e.g. “defer’) to show “everywhere”, make sure that “On this page” is not checked
* Fixes in “Overview” area: If an attribute is set (e.g. “defer”) to show “everywhere”, it shows multiple times (instead of just once) when WPML plugin is enabled; If the path to the site URL was e.g., the “href” value from “Overview” was not including the “blog” path, causing “404 Not Found” errors and confusing the administrator

Asset CleanUp Pro plugin will get the best performance when combined with WP Rocket plugin

Free Download Asset CleanUp Pro Page Speed Booster v1.2.5.3– Performance WordPress Plugin do our best to share Free(GPL )WordPress Themes,Plugins and other PHP Scripts. We always try our best to search the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you could always Download files and could remain updated with more latest updates.

All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours.If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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