Download Loco Translate Pro – Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress v2.4.0 + Addons

Loco Translate Pro - Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress + Addons

Loco Translate Pro – Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress + Addons Free Download 2.4.0 – | Loco Translate Pro v2.4.0 – Translate themes and plugins directly in WordPress + Addons provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files, as well as integration with automated translation services.


Loco Translate Plugin is one of the most well-known translators. It lets you translate your themes and plugins to multiple languages with this plugin. It allows editing in the browser for WordPress translator files. Additionally, it integrates with automated translation services.

Additionally, it includes tools for localization that developers can use for example, like creating templates and extracting strings. It comes with an inbuilt translator editor that you can manage translations via the WordPress administration panel.

It also offers Gettext/localization tools for developers, including creating templates and extracting strings.


  • The plugin is very simple and easy-to-use interface.
  • Loco Translate plugin translates the WordPress files in your browser to directly.
  • Additionally, the plugin is been integrated with an automated translation service.
  • The plugin is compatible with a variety of APIs for translation that include DeepL, Google, Microsoft and Yandex
  • It is possible to directly make and modify language files directly inside the theme you are using or in your plugin.
  • It includes the MO file compilation native to your system without the requirement for Gettext to be installed on your system.
  • You will be able to access a secure language directory to save custom translations
  • The plugin is totally available for use at no cost. This means that you don’t have to shell out money to translate your website and theme.
  • The setup and installation procedure is extremely simple.

Furthermore the plugin includes the APIs for translation, including DeepL, Google, Microsoft and Yandex integrations. It can create and update language files directly within the theme you use or in your plugin.


The Loco Translate plugin is compatible with PO features like references, comments as well as plural form. Additionally, it removes translatable strings from the source code. Additionally, it has an encrypted language directory that is suitable to store custom translations. In addition the plugin supports Native MO file compilation without the requirement for Gettext to be installed on the system.

The plugin is completely free, and it is installed directly from your WordPress dashboard. Let’s look at the primary aspects of the plugin in a brief manner.

How to Install and Activate Loco Translate Plugin

The process of installing is Straightforward. Follow the easy steps here to install the plugin and then activate the plugin.

  1. The first step is to login on WordPress admin dashboard. WordPress administrator dashboard.
  2. Then, you’ll find your choice “Plugins” on the left-hand side on the WordPress dashboard. Choose ” Plugins,” then click ” Add New.”
  3. You’ll see an option to search on the right-hand corner of your dashboard. Now, Search “Loco Translate Plugin”
  4. After this, you have to click ” Install Now.”
  5. Once you have installed, you’ll have in order to enable the Loco Translate plugin to make it available on your website. After that, click ” Activate.”

You have now successfully installed and activated this plugin. It is easy to translate plugins and themes using your browser.

How to Translate Your WordPress Theme Using Loco Translate Plugin

After you have activated the plug-in on your website it is now possible to start making use of this plugin on your website. It is possible to set up the plugin in just two clicks. We’ve provided step-by the step procedure below for how to use the Loco Translate Plugin.

  1. To begin, click “The “Loco Translate” option located on the left-hand side section of the dashboard. Next, select “Themes” options.
  2. The themes will be displayed, including the ones you currently have installed on your site. In order to translate your theme choose one of your themes currently active of your website.
  3. Then, go to “Overview” section of this theme. I’ve selected Twenty Twenty-one that is now prepared to translate into Korean. If you want to translate this theme to Korean Click to “Korean” in the “Korean” languages to edit the translation.
  4. When you click the button, the Loco translator will appear. It contains the source text (Default language used by the website) as well as the language you would like to translate. To begin translating you need to select the word or phrase that you want to translate. The phrase or word you select will be added in English in the area labelled En Source Text.
  5. After you have entered the translated word or phrase into the correct section you’ll find in the section marked source text, that the phrase or word is highlighted in blue and the translation appears right next to that original phrase or word.
  6. An asterisk will be displayed next to the original phrase or word. This indicates that the changes you made haven’t previously been saved. Make sure you select the Save icon to finish the translation. After saving, you can save the translation. You can also check the front page of your site and any strings that you’ve translated will be displayed for visitors to view.

Additionally, you can include new languages in order to translate themes and plugins directly through your browser. In this way, you can quickly translate WordPress themes using the Loco Translate.

Download Loco Translate Pro Plugin 2.4.0 + Addons(114)

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