Free Download Ultimate Member User Locations Addon v1.0.5

Addon for Ultimate Member User Locations Display users on a map on the member managery page using the Google Maps API, and allow users to add their location via their profile.


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The Google Maps Platform is coupled with the User Locations extension. The extension asks the creation of an app inside the platform as well as the activation of the API. The Google Maps Platform is a premium service with a monthly use allowance of $200.

Features: Ultimate Member User Locations Addon

  • To allow users to input their location, add a user location field to the registration and profile forms.
  • User location can be auto-detected (requires users to click the pin icon on the location field and give permission to share location)
  • Allows privates to search for members by location by adding a user location search box to the member managery.
  • A map is added to the member managery.
  • On the member managery map, user clustering for users in close proximity
  • User avatars display on the map to illustrate where users are located.
  • When you click the avatar, a little profile card will appear on the map, displaying the avatar, display name, and info you specified in the member managery settings.
  • Allow users to locate other users by moving the map.

Changelog: Ultimate Member User Locations Addon

= v1.0.5: April 28, 2021 =
* Fixed: Registration and Profile forms handler
* Fixed: Integration with Profile Completeness extension

= v1.0.4: April 14, 2021 =
* Added: Search by radius workality on the member managery
* Added: Ability to turn off clustering and OMS( Overlapping Marker Spiderfier ) by the JS hook
* Added: Ability to show the nearest members if the search results are empty
* Added: Location filter / location admin filter
* Added: Ability to select the location by the clicking on the map
* Fixed: OMS( Overlapping Marker Spiderfier ) library using on the map shortcode
* Fixed: Issue with the first map's idle
* Fixed: Distance sorting calculation

= v1.0.3: Dec 11, 2020 =
* Added: OMS( Overlapping Marker Spiderfier ) library for getting visible the clustering markers in the same place
* Added: Error/notices blocks for the location field
* Added: Ability to select map marker icon for role
* Added: Ability to select what markers type to use in member managery
* Added: Distance field based on User Location fields
* Added: Ability to add the Distance field to User Profile meta section
* Added: Ability to show the Distance field on the Member Directory
* Added: Ability to sort by nearby members based on distance and current user geolocation
* Added: [um_user_locations_map] shortcode
* Fixed: Getting bounds on the first member managery page loading (not default starting lat/lng/zoom)
* Fixed: Getting bounds on the first member managery page loading (Show results after search and searched by location. Added timeout for setting bound for invisible map)
* Fixed: Uninstall process

⭐See also: Summary of Ultimate Member Plugins to support continuous updates

Download Ultimate Member User Locations Addon v1.0.5 Nulled

Note : Maybe you need to unzip before installing plugin. We do not give any guarantee if any theme/plugin contains virus. Please check on Virustotal before using it on localhost.

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