Free Download Rhye v3.5.2 GPL Theme – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme


what is rhye theme?

Rhye is a premium AJAX WordPress theme powered by Elementor page builder. It’s suitable for designers, photographers, creative agencies, production studios. Rhye would be a great start to showcase your portfolio with a slick premium touch. Smooth AJAX pages transitions and modern WebGL effects will make your website really stand out.

rhye theme demo

rhye unique ajax portfolio wordpress theme

Rhye theme Features

Seamless Images AJAX Transitions

  • Speedy Site Navigation without Page Refresh
  • AJAX Infinite Scrolling Portfolio Presentation.
  • AJAX Compatibility with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Yandex Metrika
  • Custom AJAX Code to Init for Advanced Users

Smooth Motion Effects

  • WebGL distortion transitions.
  • Direction-aware fullscreen sliders.
  • Mouse-trailing images effect.
  • Reveal text animations.
  • Smooth page scrolling plugin support.
  • Parallax effects for images, backgrounds, elements.
  • Interactive mouse cursor follower.

Fluid Typography

  • Smooth Font Size Scale from Desktop to Mobile screens
  • Complete Control per each Heading from Customizer
  • Google Fonts Support
  • Adobe TypeKit Support
  • Self-hosted Fonts Support

Fluid Design Spacing

  • Easy Consistent Spacing throughout All the Website on any Screen Size
  • Select Needed Spacing in Standard Elementor Section Widget
  • Create Fancy Section Offsets and Overlaps
  • Spacing Presets Adjustable from Customizer

Adjustable Theme Colors

  • Pre-designed Colors Themes per each Page Section
  • Adjustment per each Accent Color from Customizer
  • On-scroll Color Theme Change

Fullscreen Overlay Menu

  • Curtain Open Effect
  • Unlimited Submenus
  • Predefined Color Themes per each Page
  • Optional Menu Text Widgets
  • Switch between Fullscreen / Classic Menus

Essential Theme Features

  • Customizable Preloader
  • Images Lazy Loading
  • Dual Logo Versions
  • Galleries with External Videos Support (YouTube, Vimeo)
  • Upload and Use Custom SVG Graphics
  • Google Maps with Multiple Custom Markers
  • Translation Ready
  • Multi-lingual Website Support

No Coding Knowledge Required

  • Build Your Website in Real-Time with Elementor Page Builder
  • One-Click Demo Import
  • Theme Wizard Setup
  • Automatic Theme Updates
  • Extensive Documentation Supplied
  • 24-hours Turnaround Support

Plugins Compatibility

  • Elementor (theme AJAX has limited support to certain Elementor functions)
  • Contact Form 7
  • WP Super Cache
  • Autoptimize
  • WPML
  • PolyLang
  • TranslatePress


  • Clean WordPress 5.5+ Installation
  • PHP 7.0+ Enabled by Hosting Provider
  • Active Database in MySQL 5.0+
  • FTP Access to the Website Hosting or Credentials to the Hosting Panel

rhye theme Changelogs

09 Feb 2022 v2.9.1
improved: next project image in bottom navigation became clickable
fixed: some minor issues related to transitions

31 Aug 2021 2.6.0
fixed: AJAX transition errors when “Slider Images” widget placed on both origin & destination pages
fixed: PHP notices related to “Additional Custom Breakpoints” Elementor’s feature
fixed: when AJAX navigation is off the Canvas Elementor template has been showing the theme header while it shouldn’t
fixed: Circle Button widgets didn’t appear when “Rotation Effect” was off in Customizer -> General Style -> Animations
added: TikTok icon to Rhye Social Media widget
added: smooth fade-in/fade-out for the styled Bootstrap modal windows (Contact Form 7 messages)
improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 5.10.1

#20 Aug 2021 2.5.6
fixed: “division by zero” warnings in PHP 7.4 thrown from widgets with Masonry grid
fixed: Elementor Pro “Animated Headline” widget didn’t initialize correctly after AJAX transitions
added: a toggle to fix the incorrectly queried posts in multilingual CMS in Customizer -> Theme Options -> Multilingual CMS
improved: compatibility with Elementor 3.4.x
improved: smoothen AJAX flying image transition in admin panel
improved: smoothen AJAX transition with native scrolling

#26 Jul 2021 2.5.5
fixed: text overlap when hovering over a portfolio category before the appearing animation is fully finished

#23 Jul 2021 2.5.4
fixed: logo element remained clickable even in the opened fullscreen menu
improved: better “close” button appearance in the fullscreen menu

#21 Jul 2021 2.5.3
fixed: turning off the counters in Albums widgets caused the albums functionality to stop working
fixed: frontend conflicts with 3rd-party browser extensions
improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 5.9.9

#23 Jun 2021 2.5.2
fixed: drop-cap font-family setting wan’t applied from Customizer typography options
fixed: incorrect anchor scrolling in certain cases
improved: overlay menu appearance on tablets
improved: minor under hood fix related to the latest WordPress 5.7.2
improved: updated bundled ACF Pro to the latest version 5.9.7

#03 Jun 2021 2.5.1
fixed: Smooth Scrolling container wasn’t accessible for keyboard navigation right after an AJAX transition
fixed: ‘auto’ value for the color theme selectors didn’t render correctly on some elements
fixed: cursor follower positioned incorrectly on pages with dir=”rtl” attribute
fixed: cursor loading state didn’t reset the animation after too fast AJAX navigation
fixed: animations may suddenly stopped to initialize when navigating by forward/backward browser buttons

#19 May 2021 2.5.0
fixed: PHP 7.4 notices thrown by Rhye core plugin
fixed: sequential paragraphs with multiple drop caps caused an unexpected duplication after the text split
fixed: vertical centering option didn’t work correctly in Slider Images widget
fixed: AJAX frontend error related to Slider Images widget
fixed: flashing blog categories for the grid layout
fixed: broken categories links in blog when a special character is present in a category name
fixed: PHP warning for “Rhye: Call to Action” WordPress widget
added: automatic page hard refresh for WPML links in the menu
improved: classes “current-menu-item” and “current-menu-ancestor” are now being updated on the menu items after AJAX navigation allowing to style the currently active menu element

#03 May 2021 2.4.1
fixed: broken anchors scrolling functionality in overlay menu
fixed: don’t attempt to prefetch pages when AJAX is off
fixed: JS error in Safari caused by Slider Images widget
added: panel to adjust social icons dimensions in Customizer -> Typography -> Social Icons
added: “!important” statement to .material-icons class so Elementor typography won’t override the iconic font

#30 Apr 2021 2.4.0
NOTE: Since 2.4.0 legacy loading mode for theme CSS & JS assets is no longer supported. If you have any issues with that, please contact me by support e-mail

fixed: sometimes virtual scrollbar didn’t init in overlay menu even with the enabled option in Customizer
fixed: a paragraph with drop cap didn’t preserve inner HTML markup after the text split
fixed: incorrect vertical alignment for inner HTML markup elements after the text split
fixed: native browser scrollbar did appear unexpectedly when navigating to a page with fixed masthead
fixed: inaccurate images transitions from the fullscreen sliders
added: sortability for portfolio categories via Intuitive CPO plugin
improved: cut legacy assets loading mode and removed the unneeded libraries

#20 Apr 2021 2.3.1
fixed: incorrect line breaks in halfscreen sliders on mobiles
fixed: Slider Images with enabled autoplay may cause a frontend failure during AJAX navigation
added: .entry-title class to <h1> tags on the pages so Elementor “Hide page title” toggle can work properly without an extra configuration

#15 Apr 2021 2.3.0
fixed: redundant top and bottom spacing for excerpts on the blog page
fixed: dragging gesture in Slider Images didn’t work properly in Firefox
added: seamless images transitions from the blog page to the posts (Customizer -> Blog -> Blog Page -> Enable Seamless Image Transition)
added: ability to force reload the selected page scripts in AJAX navigation (Customizer -> Theme Options -> AJAX Transitions -> Update Page Script Nodes)
added: toggle to show or hide the decorative quote in Slider Testimonials
added: pre-defined demo data source for the newest One Click Demo Import
improved: fullscreen menu widget area now works also for the classic menu style (widgets appear only in mobile overlay menu)
improved: updated GSAP libraries to the latest version 3.6.1

#16 Mar 2021 2.2.1
fixed: issues with WebGL in halfscreen and circle style sliders

#11 Mar 2021 2.2.0
fixed: page scroll didn’t restore to the top after an AJAX curtain transition
added: a new performance boosting option to render WebGL widgets using Offscreen Canvas (Customizer -> Theme Options -> Performance -> Enable offscreen canvas rendering)
improved: in dynamic Elementor widgets when post type is changed to ‘post’, the posts ‘category’ taxonomy will be mapped to display on frontend
improved: minor style adjustments for portfolio prev/next navigation

⭐See also: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

Free Download Rhye v3.5.2 GPL Theme – AJAX Portfolio WordPress Theme

Download Rhye – AJAX Portfolio HTML5 Template v1.5.1 do our best to share Free(GPL)WordPress Themes,Plugins and other PHP Scripts.We always try our best to serch the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you could always Download files and could remain update with more latest updates.

All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours.If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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