Free Download Unlimited Elements For Elementor Page Builder v1.5.112 GPL– Addons Elementor


What is Unlimited Elements ?

Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder is a set of 700+ widgets (add-ons) for the popular Elementor page builder.

All add-ons are completely unique and created specifically for your website. This is the largest plugin pack for Elementor Page Builder with +700 add-ons.

What is included in this plugin?

  • Over 700 unique gadgets with endless possibilities
  • One-click layout import from Elementor Page Builder
  • Import only the add-ons you want to use
  • Ability to easily customize HTML and CSS addons

⭐See more popular addons for Elementor Page Builder

The unlimited creative subscription

Features Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder

Features Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder
  • Simple Sliders (20)
  • Banners (24)
  • Pricing Tables (21)
  • Content Tabs (22)
  • Testimonials & Reviews (23)
  • Carousels (21)
  • Content Boxes (43)
  • Team Members (26)
  • Website Headers (20)
  • iHover Effects (20)
  • Icon Hover Effects (9)
  • Link Hover Effects (21)
  • Buttons (11)
  • Content Accordions (23)
  • Timer Countdowns (23)
  • Content Tabs (22)
  • Food Menus (24)
  • Social Network Icons (21)
  • Product Boxes (26)
  • Google Charts (7)
  • Video Teaser Popups (20)
  • Widgets (10)
  • Flip Boxes (15)
  • Video Galleries (7)
  • Opening Hours (15)
  • Mp3 Audio Players (15)
  • Statistic Counters (23)
  • Bullet Lists (25)
  • Footers (20)

Ultimate Widget Library

Power up your page builder with our innovative and easy-to-use widget library. Make your next web design project look better than ever with Unlimited Elements.

Ultimate Widget Library

Customize everything!

Each spare part is handcrafted by our experts. You can add custom fields and settings to your widgets with a single click, giving you maximum flexibility.

Customize everything!

Changelog Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder Nulled Free

“Download Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder v1.5.34 Nulled Free
version 1.5.34:
-feature: added items image size attribute (special type)
-bug fix: fixed show backgrounds in elementor editor”

“Download Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder v1.5.33 Nulled Free
-bug fix: fixed avoid duplicates with filters
-feature: added avoid duplicates option to manual posts selection
-bug fix: fixed select dropdown filter js”

“Download Unlimited Elements for Elementor Page Builder v1.5.29Nulled
v1.5.29: 2022-09-08

  • Fix: fixed a small issue with search page and load more
  • Fix: fix vimeo videos stopped playing bug

v1.5.28: 2022-09-06

  • Feature: added support for the select filter
  • Fix: fixed some small js bug with filters
  • Fix: fixed some post filters related popup error
  • Change: changed the way that galleries scrolls by mouseover”

version 1.5.3:
-feature: added functionality to put image inside taxonomy terms widget
-bug fix: fixed load more on archive page with orderby=xxx filter in url
-change: updated freemius sdk
-bug fix: made support for woocommerce special order by in load more
-change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.3 version (Security fix)

-bug fix: fixed load more for current query posts
-bug fix: fixed background js based widgets with elementor popups
-bug fix: fixed unitegallery unclosed tag issue
-bug fix: fixed replace mode in tabs filters
-feature: set up remote and sync functionality for the galleries

-feature: added tabs in items controls
-feature: added functionality for ajax taxonomies terms filter
-change: added some accessability to owl carousel buttons

-feature: added option for disable content filtering in general settings->troubleshooting
-feature: added taxonomies in widget debug output
-bug fix: fixed some gallery lazy load related js bugs

-feature: modified remote general js api to fit more types of widgets
-bug fix: fixed some small php notices output in post query
-feature: added support for put meta field in post list

-feature: add code base for the taxonomy filter
-feature: added option to highlight all carousel items
-bug fix: added support for acf fields styles in dynamic grid
-bug fix: fixed some wp-rocket and filters related bug
-feature: added active class to new owl carousel
-feature: added scroll on click functionality to new owl carousel

-bug fix: fixed some filters related issue
-feature: use yoast main category feature to determine post main category
-feature: added get woocommerce product gallery functionality to twig
-feature: added support for multiple attribute conditoins values
-feature: added menu order in advanced widget debug type
-bug fix: added custom attributes to link attributes output
-feature: added WooCommerce endpoints links code to twig
-feature: added option to disable font awesome in general settings

v1.4.92 = 2021-11-24:
* Fix: fixed similar post content in post list
* Change: saparated remote and sync options in connected widgets settings

– bug fix: fixed the wrong post intro in editor mode

version 1.4.89:
-bug fix: fixed error message on remote widgets
-bug fix: fixed css in post content in editor
-bug fix: use better strip tags for post intro
-feature: done the functionality for sync widgets
-feature: done the functionality remote widgets

-bug fix: fixed gutenberg support in widgets
-bug fix: fixed all the pagination issues in archive page

-bug fix: fixed some load more last issues
-feature: added code for taxonomy terms filter
-feature: added code for checkbox filter

version 1.4.86:
-feature: improved current query debug – full type
-feature: added dropdown responsive placeholders
-feature: added radio boolean attribute responsive controls
-bug fix: fixed controls tabs functionality
-bug fix: fixed load more custom image bug
-bug fix: fixed double load more in a page mishmash bug
-bug fix: fixed all load more issues

-bug fix: fixed styles mishmash inside elementor editor navigator
-bug fix: fixed dissapearing carousels after refresh bug

-feature: added troubleshooting setting – show php error message
-bug fix: fixed mb_string absence php bug
-bug fix: fixed heading attribute label
-bug fix: fixed responsive elementor controls in widget items
-feature: added px, vh, % options for slider attribute
-feature: added dynamic group attributes for galleries, including image and video
-feature: added option to convert one date string to another with ucdate filter
-feature: added option to use items in background widgets
-feature: added ucfunc(“set”) and ucfunc(“get”) functions in twig for remember and retrieve variables
-feature: added include by option: “children of current term” to category selection options
-feature: added option to pull woo product variations in twig
-bug fix: fixed error when exists dynamic link in dynamic loop widgets
-bug fix: enabled pagination in a single type in dynamic template grid
-feature: added placeholder: link_withprefix, link_noprefix for link attribute
-bug fix: the “not equal” attributes condition now works
-bug fix: fixed not editable empty dropdown attribute in widget editor

version 1.4.81:
-feature: added json select (lottie) for image attribute type
-feature: made option for ajax in widgets with post list attribute
-feature: made the ajax pagination work with pagination widget
-change: added more types of debug for pagination widget
-bug fix: fixed import with template button dissapear in the new bar
-bug fix: fixed widgets icons
-change: changed widget icons chooser for elementor icon instead of font awesome icon
-feature: added dynamic options for number and slider attribute types
-feature: added new owl carousel sources in assets chooser
-feature: added heading attribute

-bug fix: fixed some test widgets output relate bugs
-feature: added option to change items section label
-feature: added js snippet with code that works in elementor popup
-bug fix: conditions settings was not affected typography controls
-feature: added option to add {current_user_id} keyword in post meta query
-feature: added option for block label inside each attribute
-feature: added heading text option for items section
-change: added some instructions for api connectivity test in general settings – troubleshooting
-feature: added extra fields to image base gallery options
-feature: added php filter option for variable
-feature: added twig functions “get_post_term” and “is_post_has_term”. The examples visible when you click on item.posts.putPostTerm placeholder
-bug fix: fixed template dynamic background image didn’t displayed bug in dynamic loops

-bug fix: fixd the is_ajax() error function from the admin area

-feature: added category image to products list
-feature: added option to include as module widget js include
-feature: added option to write custom handle to widget js and css include
-feature: added options – avoid duplicate posts to post query exclude
-feature: added option to include or exclude posts by dynamic field to posts selection
-feature: added option to include or exclude posts by logged in user, in posts selection
-bug fix: fixed background widget condition functionality
-change: changed template picker to simple select2 list

= v1.4.73 =
-bug fix: fixed acf group field output
-feature: added twig function: “put_attributes_json” that available in js tab in widget editor
-feature: added constant – uc_inside_editor – for distinquish between editor and site front
-bug fix: fixed “request too long” message on a widget preview – shortened preview url
-bug fix: fixed several bugs with condition field in widgets editor
-bug fix: fixed hidden image size select on item attributes
-feature: added multiple select attribute
-feature: added listing attribute support
-bug fix: fixed elementor template in items, changed to specific function

= version 1.4.72 =
-feature: added rating stars helper placeholder for woocommerce
-feature: added option to include js file after elementor-frontend
-bug fix: fixed new typography deprecation message

= v1.4.71 =
-change: added option for woocommerce categories in terms selection
-feature: added option to take post id’s from php function in post selection
-bug fix: fixed price issues in woocommerce related grids
-feature: added option for get posts by meta field that located in current or different post
-feature: added twig filter: wc_price for native price filtering
-feature: added post terms titles to post data debug
-bug fix: fixed include and exclude terms mismatch with nested tax query
-bug fix: fixed pagination on search pages

= v1.4.70 =
-bug fix: when bulk moving attribute it now always goes to general category
-bug fix: fixed filter posts by status
-bug fix: fixed instagram media albom
-feature: added show widget data debug options
-feature: added option for filter post by post meta
-feature: added option for simple condition for attributes
-feature: added integration with wordpress popular post plugin for most viewed posts selection
-feature: added post list variables for data debug
-feature: added image sizes selector for post list
-feature: get thumbnailID from content in case that it’s missing in post

= v1.4.68 =
-feature: added include recently viewed products in woocommerce
-feature: added option for default max posts in post selector
-feature: added attribute type: Border Dimensions
-feature: added attribute type: CSS Filters
-feature: added attribute type: Hover Animations
-bug fix: removed max posts from archive type post query selection, because has no control over pagination.
-bug fix: fixed bug when instagram video images didn’t show up
-bug fix: done some small css changes to the editor

= v1.4.67 =
-bug fix: fixed woo product price format for decimal prices
-bug fix: fixed context menu cut from bottom inside the widgets manager
-bug fix: fixed show item data in widgets items repeater
-feature: added api connectivity to troubleshooting section
-feature: added options in terms selection fields
-bug fix: fixed floot to round in woocommerce discount percents
-feature: added order by meta key for woo categories select

= v1.4.66 =
-feature: added “box shadow” attribute type
-feature: added url_posts and num_posts to users output
-bug fix: load js include file in editor even if no js code
-feature: added option for selector 2 and selector 3 in several attributes
-feature: added copy / paste attributes sections in widget editor
-bug fix: fixed some php notice with exclude terms posts selection
-bug fix: fixed small bug in getListingItemData function with no object returned
-feature: added option for get default object to getListingItemData function
-feature: added support for wpml site language inside a widget
-bug fix: fixed post selection manual select no posts shown at init
-bug fix: fixed bug when private posts not fetched on manual posts selection
-feature: added acf image and thumbnails widths and heights to placeholders list
-change: updated codemirror to latest version, added code search feature
-change: updated freemius sdk to 2.4.2

= v1.4.65 =
-bug fix: fixed php sanitize array bug
-feature: added option to fetch custom meta fields in users list
-feature: added function to twig: getByPHPFunction()
-feature: added function to twig: getUserMeta()
-feature: added function to twig: getListingItemData() – working inside any plugin listing
-bug fix: fixed post type in related posts post selection

= v1.4.63 =
-feature: added acf link array and attributes
-feature: added ordering features to post selection related and manual
-feature: added option for showing only sticky posts
-feature: added exclude by term setting in widget post selection
-change: moved debug data from advaned to general folder in elementor widget settings
-bug fix: fixed woo commerce prices number format
-bug fix: fixed refresh posts on “post query” section open in widget post settings
-bug fix: fixed manual posts selection default order

= v1.4.62 =
-bug fix: fixed image size thumb name with “-” sign inside
-change: show woo commerce placeholders if selected “for woocommerce products” checkbox in post list attribute
-change: improved woo category output placeholder help, added getTermCustomFields function
-bug fix: fixed some php warning related to array to string conversion, happening in php 8
-feature: added text shadow field
-feature: added “manual selection” in posts query

= v1.4.61 =
-feature: added max posts and order by options to current query posts selection
-bug fix: fixed adding widgets to a db table that is not auto incriment
-change: changed buy pro version link from the catalog widgets to inside of the plugin
-bug fix: fixed svg preview from widget builder interface
-feature: added manual selection for woocommerce categories select
-feature: added selector and responsive to drop down attribute in widget builder
-bug fix: fixed manual memory check when registering widgets

= v1.4.60 =
-feature: added option for third party integration for woocommerce grid
-feature: added integration for “advanced labels for woocommerce” plugin
-feature: added view file button in assets manager
-feature: added svg icon option together with font icon for elementor panel widget box
-feature: added preview image on mouseover inside elementor panel widget box
-feature: added option for disabling “edit widget html” from widget settings

-bug fix: fixed empty settings when there are gallery item setting only
-bug fix: added “no settings” heading in case that no attributes in the widget
-bug fix: fixed some php warnings for php 8.0

=version 1.4.59 =
-bug fix: fixed import template redirect
-feature: added option to include sticky posts for post query
-feature: added post pagination for single page
-feature: added number of items for instagram widget
-feature: added background image to background attribute

= version 1.4.58 =
-feature: make the plugin translatable for

= v1.4.57 =
-feature: done post pagination widget for archive posts
-feature: added option to truncate the post list
-bug fix: fixed show debug query on current post query

= v1.4.56 =
-update: relesed cyber monday deal admin notice

= v1.4.55 =
-feature: added option to sort by sale price
-feature: added option to debug query
-feature: added option debug widget data
-feature: added option to filter posts with child categories
-feature: added option to include only products on sale
-bug fix: fixed no widget shown in some cases
-bug fix: fixed woocommerce prices placeholders prefix

-update: updated freemius sdk to newest version
-bug fix: fixed comma saparated selector

-feature: added background widgets and section backgrounds
-change: removed global colors from template export

-bug fix: removed display errors setting
-bug fix: fixed small bug with non existing controls
-bug fix: fixed general settings error when turning off plugin
-feature: added border attribute
-bug fix: page break in some versions of elementor
-bug fix: fixed bulk move attributes with categories
-bug fix: fixed default items image field not match
-update: remove russian translation
-feature: added function: get_items for twig
-bug fix: fixed switch content and style tab
-bug fix: fixed slider control tablet/mobile default value
-bug fix: fixed non ordered widget categories

Unlimited Elements Demo

Free Download Unlimited Elements For Elementor Page Builder v1.5.112 GPL– Elementor Addons do our best to share Free(GPL)WordPress Themes, Plugins, and other PHP Scripts. We always try our best to search for the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you can always Download files and could remain update with more latest updates.

All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours.If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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