Codecanyon – Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager v4.42

Codecanyon – Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager v4.40

Ads Pro (v 4.42) is a Premium WordPress Ad Plugin that helps you manage, sell and display your advertising space, in a way that no other plugin can. This awesome tool supports a templates and grid system to show really matched and user-friendly ads on your site. And it’s 100% free from Ad blocker. Display your banners, including Google AdSense banners in more than 20 ways!

Core Features

  • 100% Responsive
  • Geographical targeting (countries, states / provinces, cities or zip-codes)
  • Schedule your ads and control their delay
  • Option to show Ads in Specific Devices (mobile, tablet or desktop)
  • Filters on Categories and Tags
  • Hooks to show Ads before / inner / after Content
  • Options to show / close Ads after X seconds
  • Capping option to show Ads only X times per User / Session
  • Display your ads in more than 20 different ways (sidebar, floating, video, background, corner peel, grids, hover and others)
  • Huge Backend manager (easily manage your ads)
  • 25+ ready to use Responsive and User-friendly Ad Templates

Changelog Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

v4.42 – (27/11/2021)
– improved: adblockers protection
– improved: minor changes in the admin panel
– changed: main folder name to ap-plugin-scripteo
– – – –
Upload new zip file via WordPress Plugins Module.
(Plugins > Installed Plugins)

We recommend remove and install once again MA and AP add-ons also.

v4.40 – (24/07/2021)
– improved: stripe payments
– improved: jquery improvements
– improved: ssl validate in urls (ad templates)
– improved: transaltions (first release)
– added: other quality Envato requirements

v4.3.99 – (23/02/2021)
– improved: re-creating standard ad templates – cron task

v4.3.98 – (19/02/2021)
– improved: mobile detection
– improved: sortable function
– improved: minor changes in the admin panel
– changed: switch button (on/off) in the admin panel

v4.3.97 – (12/01/2021)
– improved: simple fix of the submit button

v4.3.96 – (08/01/2021)
– improved: minor changes in the admin panel

v4.3.95 – (18/12/2020)
– improved: woocommerce payments

v4.3.94 – (11/12/2020)
– improved: woocommerce payments
– improved: changes for 5.6 WP
– improved: minor changes in the admin panel

v4.3.92 – (04/12/2020)
– improved: woocommerce payments
– improved: the order form validation
– improved: minor changes in the admin panel

v4.3.9 – (11/11/2020)
– improved: html template links
– improved: user’s ads function
– improved: bot’s detected function
– improved: sessions function
– improved: buddypress stream books
– improved: the order form validation
– improved: calendar in the order form
– improved: geo target module
– prepared: minor changes for 5.0 version

v4.3.22 – (09/01/2020)
– improved: cron function
– improved: minor fixes in order form
– improved: minor admin panel and database improvements
– added: price limit of free ads

v4.3.2 – (15/06/2019)
– improved: order form link in ad space
– improved: ajax shortcode random option fixed
– improved: minor admin panel and database improvements
– improved: carousel slider
– added: option to display ad spaces after x paragraphs in hooks, example: 14|[bsa_pro_ad_space id=1]

v4.3.1 – (07/02/2019)
– improved: stripe and woocomerce payments
– improved: ad preview in the order form
– improved: ad template files
– improved: rtl and style.css file
– improved: resize of standard images
– added: link shortcode param to open links in the same window, example: [bsa_pro_ad_space id=1 link=same]

v4.2.74 – (30/08/2018)
– improved: hooks (shown for singular pages only)
– improved: pdf statistics
– improved: ajax filters in ad space settings
– improved: text format of ad fields
– added: crawler detection
– added: action button field for the further templates

v4.2.71 – (23/06/2018)
– improved: categories and tags listing

v4.2.7 – (07/06/2018)
– improved: adblockers detection and function
– improved: ad preview section
– improved: affiliate commission field
– improved: all css files updated
– improved: cron tasks array validation

v4.2.12 – (10/04/2018)
– improved: minor admin panel improvements
– added: option to change carousel script for slider

v4.2.1 – (08/03/2018)
– improved: vc element improvements
– improved: update checker
– improved: image generator (cache and static images)
– improved: ajax shortcode fixes
– improved: minor admin panel improvements
– added: option to change name of the upload folder
– added: option to show specific ads in the space
– added: option to use full url and external images instead of upload module
After upload all new files please re-activate plugin via WordPress Plugins Module.
(Plugins > Installed Plugins > Deactivate / Activate)

v4.1 – (07/02/2018)
– improved: frontend editor admin permissions
– improved: all css generator
– improved: MA API changes
– improved: minor backend improvements for MA add-on
– added: all.css files

v4.01 – (25/11/2017)
– improved: minor backend improvements for the 4.00 version

v4.00 – (17/11/2017)
– improved: woocommerce status of paid orders fixed
– improved: stripe library updated
– improved: option to use [stats_url] variable in the reminders
– improved: support shortcodes in html template
– improved: chips option for geo field
– improved: corner peel position fixed
– improved: hidden class fixed
– improved: number of requests optimization
– improved: minor frontend / backend improvements
– added: option to show notice at the order form page if not logged
– added: ad space filter on specific custom types
– added: ad space filter on specific taxonomies
– added: option to assign affiliate link at the bottom of ad spaces
– added: backend / frontend editor option
– added: update notifications at the dashboard tab

Demo Online

Download Ads Pro Plugin v4.42 – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

Download Ads Pro Plugin v4.4.0 – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

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