Codecanyon – Elite Video Player – WordPress plugin v6.7.0

Codecanyon Elite Video Player WordPress plugin v6.7.0

Elite Video Player is modern, responsive, fully customisable high-end video player for WordPress that support advertising (VAST, VMAP, IMA and custom self-hosted ads) and the most popular video platforms like YouTube (single, channel, playlist)Vimeoself-hosting videos (only mp4 required), Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, local videos, Amazon S3 and LiveStreaming HLS m3u8 videos.. Showcase your videos in your site across all browsers & devices with this unique and most powerful video player around.

VAST, VPAID, VMAP and Google IMA Advertising

Elite Video Player supports VAST (Video Ad Serving Template), VMAP (Video Multiple Ad Playlist) and Google IMA ads (Interactive Media Ads). Showcase Linear and Non-Linear ads easily with Elite video player. Linear ads are Pre-, Mid-, Post-roll videos and PODS (back-to-back video ads in a row). Non-Linear ads are banners/texts.
VAST, VPAID, VMAP and Google IMA tags can be displayed on all videos that Elite Video Player supports (YouTube, Vimeo, Self hosted, Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, HLS m3u8 etc.)
No programming knowledge is required to display these ads. Monetize your videos and bring insane results to your website.

Custom Advertising

Beside VAST, VMAP and IMA Ads, Elite video player supports custom advertising as pre-roll (before), mid-roll (during), post-roll (after), video ads and pop-up ads. This means you can have your own videos on server and serve them as you wish without having any external xml files. For each video in playlist you can set own pre-roll/mid-roll/post-roll/pop-up ad. Also, advertising is improved with custom skip ad option, which means that you can set different skip time for each video. Each ad can be added for all video types that elite player supports: youtube single videos/youtube playlists/user channels, vimeo videos, and self-hosted mp4 videos. Custom Advertising can be combined with VAST, VMAP and IMA Ads as well.

jpg, png, gif support

With Elite video player you can display your images or gifs, instead the video. This feature gives you option to use Elite player like banner or image slider. You can even mix images with videos in the same playlist.

Unlimited color option

Elite player look can be customised by changing the color accent to any color you like to make your player blend in to your website perfectly.

Completly controllable Playlist

Playlist can be fully customized to fulfill your website needs and trends. You can manage order of videos in playlist, and also, manage which video from backend list will actually show in the playlist in frontend (which means you can have large number of videos in your admin area, but show only certain videos, and order them as you wish), so you have full control of displaying your videos. Playlist position can be changed from Right side to Bottom. Items in playlist are fully customizable so you can choose to have: thumbnails with texts, only texts, or only thumbnails.


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