Free Download Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder V3.19.20 GPL


what is Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder?

The WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer) plugin is very popular – endless possibilities when it comes to creating any type of website. The main advantage is that there is no need to manually work with shortcodes.

With the help of Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder, this process makes it possible for any object to be placed on the page without having to interfere with the page code.

In addition to the main functions of the plugin, there are additional functions that can increase its usefulness.

Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder demo

⭐See also: WooCommerce Page Builder (addons) WPBakery (Visual Composer)

Features Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (visual composer)

Features Ultimate Addons for WPBakery
  • Icons – This element can be used to integrate a simple image (font and image, both types) on your page and use it as you wish. Or you can use the WPBakery Page Builder grid and display a list of logos to clients, partners, sponsors, and more.
  • Info Box – Probably the most popular trend right now, Info Box really makes your website awesome, helping you highlight the important things you have
  • Info List – Traditional HTML is boring, isn’t it? These items simply rename the list. You can take the opportunity and use its amazing design to show some processes or just highlight the most popular/relevant products, services and functions.
  • Flip Box – cool CSS3 effect and display Call to action, stimulating a certain action (call to action).
  • Counter – Want to display milestones, achievements and any other numerical stats with animated numbers? This element will help you!
  • Interactive Banner – This element will display those blocks of images in a more interactive and beautiful way.
  • Modal Popup Box – Create modal popup boxes and embed whatever you want inside the popup box through the easy WYSIWYG editor.
  • Timeline – Show a Facebook-style timeline, or simply show off features, processes, or highlight a little creativity. We have made special efforts with custom JavaScript & CSS code to make it as perfect as possible.
  • Extended Google Maps – Upload a bookmark image, write custom HTML in the map info box, and control everything that goes with the map.

Row Backgrounds

Creative backgrounds really set the tone for your website. So we give you easy tools that will help you to use them quickly.

  • Fixed Image Background: Keeps the image fixed in its position while other content moves when scrolling.
  • Vertical & Horizontal Parallax: The background moves at a different speed & direction than your content when scrolling.
  • Hover Parallax: Creative moving background with cursor movement.
  • Video Background: Play the video in the background. Supports hosted videos as well as on YouTube.
  • Multilayer Hover Parallax: Real 3D parallax design. Go ahead – impress your users
Row Backgrounds

Minimum requirements to install Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

  • WordPress v4.3 and above
  • WPBakery Page Builder v4.8 or later (Latest version recommended)
  • If you are already using WPBakery Page Builder as part of your theme, make sure that the Core WPBakery Page Builder plugin is not heavily modified.
  • cURL must be enabled on your server

Changelog Ultimate Addons for WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) Nulled Free

>>> Version 3.19.11
22 Jul 2021
We are back with an update! In this update, we present to you some improvements and fixes that a few of you requested for.
Changelog in brief:
Improvement: Compatibility with the WordPress 5.8.
Fix: Advanced Carousel element not working properly.
Fix: The Price Box element is not showing horizontally.
Fix: Hotspot element styling options are not applying properly.
Fix: Functional code is showing when the interactive banner is used with the Advanced carousel.
You will soon receive an update notification in your WordPress backend. If not, please make sure you’ve activated your license key.
Looking for another feature or improvement in the plugin? Or just wish to speak out your mind? Please feel free to write to us!

= v3.19.10 8 Jun 2021 =
We are back with an update! In this update, we present to you some improvements and fixes that a few of you requested for.
Changelog in brief:
Improvement: Compatibility with the latest JavaScript and CSS standard rule.
Improvement: Added the prefix to all the PHP functions and class names to avoid future conflicts.
Improvement: Added the prefix to the global variable, script, and style handlers
Fix: Fixed the PHP error foreach() argument must be of type array|object.
Fix: Fixed the PHP notice undefined index into the google font manager.

= Version 3.19.9 =
18 Feb 2021
Changelog in brief:
Improvement: Updated the Smooth-scroll library.
Fix: Ultimate Icon conflict issue with Yoast SEO.
Fix: Console error unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to the target being treated as passive.
Fix: Console error cannot read property ‘msie’ of undefined.
Fix: Youtube video background is not working on MacOSX BigSur.
Fix: Console error cannot read property ‘1’ of null.

= Version 3.19.8 =
### Improvement: Shortcode compatibility with PHP 8.0 – Deprecated: Function ultimate_wrap_shortcode_in_div().
Fix: Deprecated jquery issue into Interactive Mouse Parallax row background.
Fix: Console warning jQuery.browser is deprecated.
Fix: Console warning indexOf is not a function.
Fix: Console warning pseudo-event is deprecated for below elements after WordPress – 5.6
Advanced Button
Interactive Banner
Fix: Console warning jquery-fn-load is deprecated for below elements after WordPress – 5.6
Modal popup
Team Module
Content Box
Image separator
Google Map
Advanced carousel

= v3.19.7 =
+ Improvement: Updated the jparallax.js library for the parallax effect.
+ Improvement: Updated the strings into the backend.
+ Fix: Console warning jquery-fn-load-is-deprecated.
+ Fix: Interactive Mouse Parallax row background not working.
+ Fix: Typography is not applied to prefix into the Fancy text element.
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.
+ Added functionality to notify users when a post is failed;
+ Added a feature to retry sharing the failed posts;
+ Added a filter option on the log tab for successful and failed posts;
+ Added count of failed accounts in front of Social Networks;
+ Fixed the error during the installation process;
+ Made minor improvements and fixed some small bugs.

⭐See also: Totally Free Premium WordPress Plugin Repository on Codecanyon

Free Download Ultimate Addons For WPBakery Page Builder V3.19.20 GPL

This plugin can use without null do our best to share Free(GPL)WordPress Themes,Plugins and other PHP Scripts. We always try our best to search for the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you could always Download files and could remain update with more latest updates.

All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours.If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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