Free Download Avada Theme v7.11.9 GPL – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme


what is Avada Theme?

Avada Theme is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market, with over 550,000+ beginners, professionals, agencies, businesses, and creatives turning to design freedom with Avada.

This is a clean, super flexible and responsive theme. Built on HTML5 and CSS3. It loads with many options and has powerful settings. The clean, modern design can be used for any direction, including business, corporate, portfolio, product, and other websites.

Avada Theme demo

⭐See also: Theme repository Themeforest Shared for free, updated daily

Avada Features| Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Premium Plugins Avada Theme
  • Avada has intuitive design and editing tools for you to create beautiful websites, quickly.
  • A clean, modern, multipurpose design that can be adapted and used for any website design and layout
  • The #1 selling WordPress theme in the market for over 7 years
  • Dozens of professionally designed Avada theme demos can be imported quickly with just one click
  • Over 22,000 ratings with 5-star average
  • Always compatible with the latest WordPress versions
  • Always compatible with the latest versions of 3rd party integration plugins
  • WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested and Approved
  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3
  • 100% SEO Optimized and perfectly compatible with Plugins like Yoast SEO
  • Comply with strict WordPress and PHP coding standards
  • Performance improvements for fast, reliable, quality websites
  • Cross browser compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10, IE11
  • 100% Responsive theme with pixel-perfect accuracy – and you can turn off responsiveness
  • Easy to use Fusion Builder Visual Editor, the best visual page builder on the market
  • Full control over web page width; content area and sidebar
  • Social Icons and Theme Icons are CSS Font Icons
  • Automatic Theme Updater Directly Through the WordPress Admin interface
  • Automatic Patch tool to apply fixes and improvements in one click, no other theme has this
  • Dual, flexible sidebars throughout the theme
  • Support column 1-6
  • One-page Parallax feature for any page
  • CSS3 animations enable or disable on desktop/mobile
  • Child theme compatible – Your Avada package includes a basic child theme
  • Strong focus on typography, usability, and overall user experience
  • jQuery Improvements for Modern Websites
  • JavaScript files are automatically combined and minified to increase performance
  • JS/PHP compiler for CSS that combines all styles into one generated file for increased performance
  • Including Font Awesome icon set, fully integrated, Font Awesome Pro can be activated for use with Avada
  • Compatible with many popular Plugins like WPML, Yoast, W3TC, Contact Form 7, JetPack, Gravity Forms, Slider Revolution, Layer Slider, WooCommerce, The Events Calendar, bbPress, BuddyPress, WP Rocket, All In One SEO, NextGen Gallery, UpDraft Plus

Avada Changelog| Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled Free

v7.11.4 – January 30th, 2024
– NEW: Added background image slider options to Container and Column elements
– NEW: Added background color slide hover effects to Button element
– NEW: Added an option to Post Cards element to query WooCommerce products based on “sale” status
– NEW: Added CC and BCC recipient fields to Avada Form notifications
– IMPROVEMENT: Added WooCommerce cart cross-sells to the rendering logic
– IMPROVEMENT: Removed the WooCommerce variable.php template for better compatibility
– IMPROVEMENT: Made sure that Woo elements always only load WooCommerce default templates, for better compatibility
– IMPROVEMENT: Added animation to the add to cart button in Post Cards Cart element, when using AJAX add to cart
– IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
– IMPROVEMENT: Lowered the row minimum to 2 for Avada Forms Textarea element
– IMPROVEMENT: Made the device rendering logic of Column element work with responsive preview in Live Editor
– IMPROVEMENT: Added the WooCommerce standard notice to Post Cards Cart element when user wants to add product to cart without selecting any variation
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.4.2
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.5.2
– COMPATIBILITY: Added compatibility for the new WooCommerce notices setup in WooCommerce 8.5+
– UPDATED: A few strings in WooCommerce templates and elements to reflect latest WooCommerce changes
– FIXED: Gap appearing in some Section Separator element layouts when using Chrome 119+
– FIXED: Single WooCommerce product AJAX add to cart not auto updating the cart fragments (menu cart etc)
– FIXED: Show password icon moving on WooCommerce My Account registration form when typing
– FIXED: WooCommerce menu cart dropdown bottom border-radius not working
– FIXED: Post Card Image element link not correct when using WooCommerce variable product image
– FIXED: Woo Post Cards Cart element not initializing variations that have been AJAX loaded (load more, infinite scroll)
– FIXED: Image zoom can’t be disabled in Woo Product Images element when using WooCommerce 8.3+
– FIXED: Woo Mini Cart element not auto updating when variable products get added to cart
– FIXED: Special chars being stripped from search query string, when using Woo Sorting element on a search page
– FIXED: WooCommerce quickview open transition not being correct when using sidebars and JS compiler
– FIXED: Spacing of thumbnails in the Woo Product Images element not being correct
– FIXED: Single post cards content compressed when using carousel layout in Post Cards element and Post Cards Cart element with variation in the post card
– FIXED: Add to cart margin and product link margin options not working in Post Cards Cart element
– FIXED: Portfolio post translations not working correctly, when using WPML and WooCommerce
– FIXED: Avada Library elements not keeping the correct type when translating them manually using WPML
– FIXED: Styling issues of the search button of The Events Calendar filter bar
– FIXED: Styling issues in The Events Calendar mini calendar shortcode
– FIXED: Layout not applied to The Events Calendar recurring events when the layout condition is the category of the main event
– FIXED: Images always using full available width in Image Before & After element when using fade animation
– FIXED: Incorrect focus styling in Image Select field of Avada Forms when images are unselected
– FIXED: Testimonial elements having dark border around them because of WordPress block styles change
– FIXED: Single events meta content styling issues when being displayed below the event content
– FIXED: Off Canvas not always closing correctly on mobiles
– FIXED: Off Canvas conditions not working when posts with quotation marks are added
– FIXED: Column motion effects not always correctly working when using several effects at once on scroll
– FIXED: Portfolio element carousel layout displaying incorrect number of elements
– FIXED: YouTube preview thumb missing some dimension checks when using video facade option
– FIXED: Null and false values not always being handled correctly in conditional rendering logic
– FIXED: Issue in conditional rendering logic, when a logic item is added in Live editor but nothing is chosen
– FIXED: Removed counter font size and color dependencies from Woo Rating element for better usability
– FIXED: PHP 8.1+ deprecation notice for FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING
– FIXED: PHP 8.1+ notice in maybe_add_acf_fields() function
– FIXED: PHP notice happening in Avada Forms in some cases when HubSpot integration is used
– FIXED: PHP notice in Contact Info widget
– FIXED: Alignment, box-shadow, and border-radius options not being displayed correctly when using transparent background color in Content Boxes element in Backend Editor
– FIXED: Motion effects tab being auto-added for Column element options in Backend editor
– FIXED: Responsive typography live updates not being correct for Title elements in Live Editor
– FIXED: Image size not updating on option change in Related Posts element in Live Editor
– FIXED: Gravatar URLs not correctly being displayed in Image element dynamic data in Live Editor
– FIXED: Filters not being displayed in Live Editor when enabled in Post Cards element
– FIXED: Post Cards element column classes assigned to all child elements instead of only direct children in Live Editor
– FIXED: Post Cards element rendering issue in Live Editor when changing to slider layout
– FIXED: Cart layout rendering issue in Post Cards Cart element in Live Editor
– FIXED: Container element YouTube and Vimeo background videos overflowing the container in Live Editor when freshly added
– FIXED: Library elements not being shown in the add elements modal when a shortcode generator dialog was opened and closed before in Live Editor
– FIXED: Interior content width option missing from Container element in Live Editor when editing an arbitrary CPT
– FIXED: Highlight text in Title element not displaying special chars correctly in Live Editor

v7.7.1 – April 20th, 2022

  • NEW: Added a trigger of the HubSpot chat to the dynamic data sources
  • NEW: Added Skip Lazy Loading option to the Column element
  • NEW: Added Boxed Padding element option to the Social Links element
  • IMPROVEMENT: WordPress default custom fields are now available as dynamic data sources
  • IMPROVEMENT: Popover content in Image Hotspot element now allows HTML
  • IMPROVEMENT: Allow more columns on larger screens in the Avada Studio modal
  • COMPATIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce Product Addons plugin causing JS error on the cart page
  • FIXED: Events Calendar search bar missing mobile icons for search and filters
  • FIXED: Quick edit links for Avada Forms, Post Cards and Menus not working in back-end editor
  • FIXED: Child element content being escaped when editing a sibling in the back-end editor
  • FIXED: Tag Cloud element missing taxonomy option on back-end editor
  • FIXED: Width of items being incorrect in Social Links element when using font size in ems
  • FIXED: Issue in latest version of Event Tickets plugin, causing a fatal error when using the layout builder
  • FIXED: Wrong menu item being highlighted when using anchor scrolling
  • FIXED: Fatal error happening on PHP 8.1 in image class when images are corrupted and thus don’t have dimensions set
  • FIXED: Avada Studio import option buttons overlapping the sticky menu in the Setup Wizard
  • FIXED: Font size not being based on px not working in Checklist element in live editor

v7.6.1 – January 17th, 2022
– NEW: Added option to Flickr element to display images from a specific album
– NEW: Added rounding option to the Star Rating element
– PERFORMANCE: Added checks for specific ConvertPlus modules being activated to avoid unnecessary initialization
– IMPROVEMENT: Events Calendar single event pages will display title and time below featured image on mobile
– IMPROVEMENT: Live editor color pickers will no longer auto-open when clicking into the text field
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.1
– UPDATED: HubSpot API CRM scopes
– ACCESSIBILITY: Added aria-labelledby attribute to Progressbar element
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed WooCommerce product gallery lightbox trigger link missing title attribute
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Fancy Product Designer causing issue with cart page item thumbnails
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Payments plugin, causing display issues on custom checkout pages
– FIXED: Fatal error happening on backend post save when WooCommerce Payments plugin and YOAST SEO are active
– FIXED: WooCommerce sorting boxes showing on category pages, when those are set to show sub-categories
– FIXED: The link to the reviews does not work in the quick view of WooComerce products
– FIXED: Fatal error happening when using a CPT called ‘product’ when WooCommerce is not active
– FIXED: Incorrect sidebar classes being used on body HTML tag on WooCommerce custom taxonomy pages
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Membership and Ultimate Member plugins, causing content to change in layout sections
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WP Customer Area plugin, causing content to change in layout sections
– FIXED: Updates from versions below 6.2 triggering an error in the upgrade class
– FIXED: Attribute escaping missing for a translation string in the menu nav walker
– FIXED: Typography Global Options using the global typography sets cog icon incorrectly on margins
– FIXED: Mobile menu items not correctly aligned vertically on mobile when using legacy header/menu
– FIXED: Facebook Page element not being auto-activated
– FIXED: Global typography picker being slightly cut off in performance wizard
– FIXED: Layout dependencies and notes for header/footer social icon global options
– FIXED: Privacy placeholder not working in a few instances of iframe embeds
– FIXED: Facebook and Twitter Timeline elements loading iframes even without privacy consent
– FIXED: Videos not being stopped after closing the modal in Avada Off Canvas
– FIXED: Backgrounds of Avada Sliders in parallax mode not being shifted with Off Canvas sliding bars in push mode
– FIXED: Toggle element default active/inactive icons being reversed
– FIXED: Widget title display option not working for the Events Calendar widgets
– FIXED: Honeypot form field not being removed from submission email content in Avada Forms
– FIXED: Select form field not being removed from submission email content in Avada Forms when hidden because of conditional rendering
– FIXED: Option to create Avada Form database tables on the Avada Status page not working
– FIXED: Sub-menu expand carets not working on first click on iPhones when mobile menu is set to auto-expand
– FIXED: Framed scrolling is not working correctly when user is logged out of WordPress
– FIXED: Fatal error happening in Archive element when using in content layout section for Portfolio archive pages
– FIXED: Countdown element missing margin between heading and count down in stacked layout, when no subheading is used
– FIXED: Transition being jumpy in Testimonial element, when no avatar is elected and clean design is used
– FIXED: Social sharing box being displayed inside of layout sections on Events Calendar single events when blocks are used
– FIXED: Hover effects not working together with image masks in the Image element
– FIXED: Image centering not working in Image element when using bottom shadow style together with a max-width
– FIXED: Mask preview icons missing from Image element in the backend editor
– FIXED: Images always displaying in full width in Image element in live editor, regardless of native image dimensions
– FIXED: JS error in live editor global option search when a repeater option is part of results
– FIXED: Colors in Page Options being saved as default even when left empty in live editor
– FIXED: Single page import of a prebuilt site not working in the live editor

Version 7.6 – December 14th, 2021
– NEW: Added Off Canvas Builder for drag & drop creation of popups, sliding bars, flyout menus, and push menus
– NEW: Added the ability to have push menus
– NEW: Added a global color palette feature, making it easy to create and update a global color scheme and have it shared across the site
– NEW: Added a global typography feature, making it easy to create and update typography sets and have them shared across the site
– NEW: Added aspect ratio and focus point options to the Image element
– NEW: Added image mask options to the Image element for stunning new image effects, including 18 prebuilt masks and possibility to upload custom shapes
– NEW: Added option to upload custom SVGs in the Section Separator element
– NEW: Tagcloud element
– NEW: Facebook Page element with extended options, replacing Facebook widget
– NEW: Twitter element with extended options, replacing Twitter widget
– NEW: Flickr element with extended options, replacing Flickr widget
– NEW: Added margin, border-size, border-color, hover colors, and animation options to the Social Links element
– NEW: Added option to display sub-categories instead of posts in the Post Card Archives element
– NEW: Added color picker options to Avada Slider and Page Options for easier color usage and alpha channel colors
– NEW: Added new typography option set for easier typography management
– NEW: Added border-radius option to the Social Share element
– NEW: Added responsive alignment options to the Meta element
– NEW: Added dynamic data URL options for YouTube/Vimeo/Video elements and Container/Column video backgrounds
– NEW: Added taxonomy selection to the Layout Section dynamic preview sources
– NEW: Avada Special Menu Items can now use description text
– NEW: Added The Events Calendar event date to order options of the Post Cards element
– NEW: Added order by option to Post Cards element when terms are used instead of posts
– NEW: Added WooCommerce cart total to dynamic data option
– NEW: Added a filter for the Post Cards element placeholder for easier fallback message creation
– PERFORMANCE: Added option to allow lazy loading of iframes
– PERFORMANCE: Removed two CSS related actions from being executed on admin screens
– IMPROVEMENT: Removed the “Enable CSS Variables” Global Option, as modern browsers do all support CSS variables
– IMPROVEMENT: Added dynamic data to several more places, including Google Maps element
– IMPROVEMENT: Line breaks in Avada Forms Textarea elements are now also displayed in the submission emails
– IMPROVEMENT: Added form submission error information for easier debugging
– IMPROVEMENT: Allow categories to display in the metadata of the Archives element for portfolio posts
– IMPROVEMENT: Lightbox toolbar is now visible also for logged in users (adjusting to WP admin bar)
– IMPROVEMENT: Removed unneeded, email-related form fields from form rendering
– IMPROVEMENT: Post published dynamic data now using current data, if now preview post is set
– IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
– UPDATED: Critical CSS creation engine
– UPDATED: Automatic cache clearing for SiteGround optimizer plugin
– UPDATED: Some outdated documentation links
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 6.0
– ACCESSIBILITY: Flipxbox element not staying flipped when jumping to a link on backside using tab key
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed aria-expanded attribute being wrong on custom mobile menu using the Menu element
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed incorrect role attribute in the Ticker element
– FIXED: Font-face declarations missing from criticals CSS when CSS variables are used
– FIXED: Avada Form submissions where form fields share the same name not being correctly stored in the database
– FIXED: Avada Forms on the same page using same reCAPTCHA id when using reCAPTCHA v2
– FIXED: Avada Forms submissions not working when form uses reCAPTCHA and is rendered in a Modal element
– FIXED: Avada Forms submissions working even if required fields are not filled in, if those required fields are conditional and hidden
– FIXED: JS error happening when submitting Avada Forms with conditionally hidden range and upload fields
– FIXED: JS error happening when submitting Avada Forms with conditionally hidden checkbox fields that need a minimum selection
– FIXED: Second level menu items in megamenu when title option is turned off display incorrectly in Menu element
– FIXED: Sub-menu text hover color not working in the Menu element
– FIXED: Sub-menu expand direction incorrectly changing the sub-menu link alignment in the Menu element
– FIXED: Incorrect right padding shown on buttons in mega menu columns
– FIXED: Megamenu not being closed on click on an anchor scrolling item, in the Menu element
– FIXED: Image captions title having wrong color when using heading tags
– FIXED: Widget element options not displaying in backend builder when the element settings are re-opened
– FIXED: Previous/next arrows missing in the calendar of The Events Calendar plugin
– FIXED: Plugin compatibility issue with Tutor LMS Pro plugin when Layout Sections are used
– FIXED: Plugin compatibility issue with Cooked Pro plugin when Layout Sections are used
– FIXED: Plugin compatibility issue with PrivateContent plugin when Layout Sections are used
– FIXED: Plugin compatibility issue where lightbox gets doubled up when the “load” event fires twice
– FIXED: Plugin compatibility issue leading to incorrect redirects (e.g. WPSEO sitemap being 404)
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin leading to wrong notice styling on checkout page
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin on legacy product template
– FIXED: Fatal error happening in the WooCommerce Price element on product posts, when it is copy/pasted in invalid layout sections
– FIXED: Displaying issue of Avada Studio content in Safari on the back-end page
– FIXED: Star rating element not working correctly when using before/after text in product rating dynamic data
– FIXED: Scrolling on sliding bar causing page scroll on latest webkit browsers
– FIXED: Facade images being broken in Vimeo element
– FIXED: Reddit social sharing link and made sure all sharing links use SSL in Social Sharing element
– FIXED: Error boxes appearance in Gravity Forms
– FIXED: Button 100% width option not respecting margins in Button element
– FIXED: Infinite scroll not working correctly in some cases, when using several Post Cards elements on one page
– FIXED: Ordering option not correctly working in Post Cards element when used to display WooCommerce product archives
– FIXED: Custom font names with whitespace in the name not working correctly in the global Button element typography
– FIXED: Alignment issue in the Countdown element when either title or link are not used
– FIXED: Sticky sidebar positioning issue when using a custom sticky header
– FIXED: Menu anchor highlights being incorrect in sub-pixel cases when using side headers
– FIXED: Gallery element not displaying images as lightbox gallery in the live editor
– FIXED: Featured image does not work inside of Post Cards element when used for tag archives
– FIXED: Main featured image being pulled in featured image dynamic data when one of the additional featured images is not set
– FIXED: After image using same image alt value as before image in the Image Before & After element
– FIXED: Loading spinner not being removed from video in when lightbox, when previously a lightbox with image was triggered
– FIXED: Double icon picker menu appearing when a new social media entry is created in Global Options
– FIXED: Performance Wizard recommends enabling “Combine Third Party CSS Files” option even if it is already enabled
– FIXED: Minor styling issue in back-end builder, showing “close” text next to the x close icon in modals
– FIXED: PHP notice in shared icon border-radius option when Icon element is disabled
– FIXED: PHP notice in older instances of Tagline element when a specific button shape is set
– FIXED: Fatal error on PHP 5.6
– FIXED: Fatal error happening in some cases when live editor is either disabled or can’t get loaded
– FIXED: Rendering issue in live editor with fonts using single quotes
– FIXED: PHP notice when assigning a slider through Page Options in live editor
– FIXED: Import/Export settings of Global Options in live editor being incorrectly rendered
– FIXED: Privacy bar on/off option not correctly working in live editor
– FIXED: Rolling back to start position in live editor history, removing all post contents completely
– FIXED: Live editor button selection options jump in appearance when being the last option of a tab
– FIXED: Avada Forms submission type resets to default when selecting “Default POST HTML Form (non-AJAX)” in live editor
– FIXED: RTL styling issues in the live editor UI

v7.5 – October 18th, 2021
Avada 7.5 introduces Avada Studio, our new home for prebuilt content blocks that you can import with the click of a button.
You will find content arranged in different categories, helping you to easily build your sites and pages: full page templates, headers, footers, containers, columns, elements, icons forms, and post cards.
The Studio will start with more than 150 content blocks in total and the library is going to only grow over time to serve you
with creative ideas and newest design trends.
– NEW: Avada Studio, allowing to import prebuilt content blocks like templates, headers, footers, containers, columns, elements, icons forms, and post cards
– NEW: Image titles and captions can be displayed on the Image, the Gallery, and Image Carousel elements now, using different layouts
– NEW: Image Hotspot element with responsive positioning of the hotspots
– NEW: Button element now offers a lot more freedom, including padding, border-radius (4), border-size (4), font-family, font-size, line-height, and gradient fine-tuning options
– NEW: Added News Ticker element to render post titles of any post type in ticker style with lots of design options
– NEW: Added Star Rating element to easily display user ratings, using any icon, size, and color
– NEW: Views Counter element showing daily and total page visits
– NEW: Added the possibility to bulk apply patches for easier maintenance
– NEW: Added Mailchimp integration to Avada Forms
– NEW: Added Honeypot element to Avada Forms
– NEW: Added new options to choose number of checkboxes that are required in the Avada Forms Checkbox element
– NEW: Added minimum/maximum required characters options to the Avada Forms Textarea element
– NEW: Added option to allow file uploads to be attached to submission emails from Avada Forms
– NEW: Added preview width option to Avada Forms
– NEW: Added even/odd item background-color and padding options and bulk item additions to Checklist element
– NEW: Added option to Pagination element to swap the post order logic (previous/next)
– NEW: Added border-radius, text-align, font-family, and font-weight options to Progress Bar element
– NEW: Added border-radius and responsive alignment options to the Icon element
– NEW: Added text-transform options to Tile and Text Block elements
– NEW: Added marker style highlight option to the Highlight element
– NEW: Added splash style to Section Separator element
– NEW: Added responsive margin options to the Image element
– NEW: Added option to disable product images in WooCommerce Order Review element
– NEW: Added dynamic data sources and link setting to content type option of Lightbox element
– NEW: Added an option to choose if supported third-party stylesheets should get compiled into Avada
– NEW: Telegram added to social icons
– NEW: Microsoft Teams added to social icons
– NEW: Added event date options to the Meta element and to dynamic data
– NEW: Added post type, reading time, and number of search results to dynamic data
– NEW: Added ACF field and custom field choices to the rendering logic conditions
– NEW: Added overflow option to the Column element
– NEW: Added margin option to the Flip Boxes element
– NEW: Added an action to easily extend the Layout Builder the_content filtering process
– NEW: Added a live editor preference to toggle all option descriptions visible
– IMPROVEMENT: Single prebuilt website pages import will now import the full page content including images
– IMPROVEMENT: Sliding bar can now be closed using the Esc key
– IMPROVEMENT: Added previews for Avada’s WooCommerce attribute swatches
– IMPROVEMENT: Added bulk add option to the children tab of Gallery and Image Carousel elements for easier uploads
– IMPROVEMENT: Form field logic will now also apply to submission emails so only set fields will be sent
– IMPROVEMENT: Custom CSS field in the live editor is now resizable for easier CSS editing
– IMPROVEMENT: Added noreferrer rel tag to Sharing Box links
– IMPROVEMENT: Menu element will automatically go to auto width now in case wrapping column uses row content layout
– IMPROVEMENT: Excluded admin page visits from Avada Form views
– IMPROVEMENT: Text shadow option in Title element is now working even if text gradient color is being used
– IMPROVEMENT: Added element visibility options to the Lightbox element
– IMPROVEMENT: HubSpot caches now get cleared when Avada Caches are
– IMPROVEMENT: Added a filter for Avada Forms upload filed names
– IMPROVEMENT: Removed unnecessary development files from the package
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.8
– ACCESSIBILITY: Added link description option to the Column element to serve as ARIA label
– ACCESSIBILITY: Tablist role in Tabs element being incorrect
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed internal scroll link being reported by accessibility tools due to missing text
– ACCESSIBILITY: Made sure the tab order is always correct in the mobile menu in Menu element
– ACCESSIBILITY: Made sure Image element outputs empty alt tag in case no alt attribute was set
– FIXED: Bulk select box not working correctly on the menu screen of WordPress
– FIXED: Bottom into viewport animation trigger not working correctly
– FIXED: Paragraph (p) tags having different auto margins in layout sections
– FIXED: Mobile menu trigger needing two taps to open the menu on iPhones
– FIXED: Heading background color and border color options not working in Popover element
– FIXED: Broken border-size dependency in Column element, rendering related options invisible
– FIXED: Layout Sections getting indexed by search engines
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce Additional Variation Images plugin
– FIXED: Wrong filter name being used for the WooCommerce cart widget
– FIXED: Wrong action name being used in the WooCommerce quantity boxes script causing an issue with WooCommerce Composite Products plugin
– FIXED: PHP error breaking live search when WooCommerce is active and no dedicated set of post types was selected
– FIXED: WooCommerce Product Grid element causing fatal error in back-end post edit screens when Yoast SEO is active
– FIXED: WooCommerce product scheme not being included in custom product layouts
– FIXED: WooCommerce woocommerce_check_cart_items action missing from Cart Totals and Order Review elements
– FIXED: WooCommerce woocommerce_checkout_billing action missing from Checkout Billing element
– FIXED: WooCommerce image rollovers not working in Post Cards element when no other WooCommerce components are on the same page
– FIXED: WooCommerce product queries sometimes messing up post queries of other elements
– FIXED: WooCommerce Price element is missing space between price badge and price
– FIXED: WooCommerce product SKU doubled on variable product if the variation get selected and deselected
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with WooCommerce PayPal plugin
– FIXED: Compatibility issue Germanized WooCommerce plugin when used together with WooCommerce PayPal plugin
– FIXED: On product layouts, WooCommerce variation SKUs don’t show if main product SKU isn’t assigned
– FIXED: Products that are out of stock not being excluded from WooCommerce Product Grid element queries
– FIXED: Infinite scroll issue happening in WooCommerce Grid element when several instances with different number of posts are on same page
– FIXED: WooCommerce product boxes rollover designs not correct for all elements
– FIXED: Compatibility issue of Thrive Leads plugin with the layout builder
– FIXED: The Events Calendar month view being styled incorrectly
– FIXED: The Events Calendar month view overflow issues when there are long or many events
– FIXED: The Events Calendar single event pages missing the dynamic social sharing stylesheet
– FIXED: The Events Calendar single event pages having wrong paddings in the latest version of the plugin
– FIXED: Page Title Bar title being wrong when using the main Events Calendar events page as front page
– FIXED: Recurring event part of title having incorrect color on single events pages when using latest The Events Calendar plugin
– FIXED: Portfolio slug translation not correctly working when using WPML
– FIXED: Global Options export URL not working for WMPL secondary languages
– FIXED: Container 100% width option doesn’t show up when live editing a library element
– FIXED: Custom social icons not working correctly when using an icon from icon picker
– FIXED: Variants of Google fonts being incorrect when fonts are set within page contents
– FIXED: Google font family variants not correctly aggregated in layout sections, only loading ones from last section
– FIXED: Megamenu position sometimes not fully correct due to scrollbar on Windows machines
– FIXED: Hover/active colors being incorrect in some cases in the Menu element
– FIXED: Flyout menu background image transitions not being smooth when using Menu element
– FIXED: Live search results not appearing correctly when using overlay search in Menu element
– FIXED: Alternating sub-menu positioning in Menu element, when sub-menu overflows the viewport
– FIXED: Mobile menu in Menu element being too narrow when using custom scrollbar
– FIXED: Styling issues of sub-sub-menu items in mobile mode of Menu element
– FIXED: Long sub-menus sometimes being cut off in mobile menu of the Menu element
– FIXED: Menu element main menu text transform option being used on second level mega menu items
– FIXED: Lightbox displaying single image instead of slideshow in Featured Images Slider element
– FIXED: Before/after text not working in dynamic data if using ID setting
– FIXED: Featured image dimensions sometimes being incorrect when used in layout sections
– FIXED: ACF url fields not working in dynamic data in Title element permalink option in Post Cards
– FIXED: PHP notice when using ACF image field as dynamic data in Image element when no image is set in the ACF field
– FIXED: Featured images of categories and tags not working when used as dynamic data sources in layout sections
– FIXED: Term count dynamic data does not work for categories and tag archives
– FIXED: Term dynamic data in Post Cards using WooCommerce shop page contents when used on the shop page
– FIXED: Post Cards term ID is wrong when looping through term content
– FIXED: Search field ID not being unique within search forms
– FIXED: UTF characters in Avada Forms CSV exports being incorrect
– FIXED: Avada Form entries not being displayed correctly in rare cases where label field is completely missing
– FIXED: Some form elements having styling issues when large field heights are used in Avada Forms
– FIXED: Focus not moving to the form submission alert after submission is completed in Avada Forms
– FIXED: Custom icon set icons not correctly working in some Avada Forms element
– FIXED: Checkbox element values not being visible in form submissions of Avada Forms
– FIXED: Restoring elements from trash not correctly working in Avada Builder Library
– FIXED: When critical CSS is enabled default form field margin overrides form field margin set on a specific form in Avada FOrms
– FIXED: Content element in Post Card can lead to following layout sections being incorrect
– FIXED: Category titles in Post Cards not being correct
– FIXED: Background images using a hover effect are incorrectly aligned when using Post Cards element in carousel layout
– FIXED: Default icon not working in Checklist element if Font Awesome is disabled
– FIXED: Mobile column breakpoints not correctly working within some elements when media query files are loaded asynchronously
– FIXED: Widget areas of the imported Classic prebuilt site cannot be deleted
– FIXED: Avada Slider not correctly auto-advancing when using a Vimeo video
– FIXED: Default value shown in video facade option being incorrect
– FIXED: Vimeo video facade showing a colorful stripe image on mobile
– FIXED: WooCommerce quantity boxes appearing incorrectly rounded in iOS Safari
– FIXED: Infinite scroll / load more pagination not working in Post Cards element if animation is delayed
– FIXED: Individual circles with different animation speeds in Counter Circles always using the fastest speed
– FIXED: Counter Circles set to count down being double animated
– FIXED: Supported third-party stylesheets now always combined correctly to Avada
– FIXED: Featured image markup wrong when using a video as first featured image
– FIXED: Post Card element in slider mode causing some vertical space while page loads
– FIXED: Missing sticky-kit dependency on side header scroll JS file
– FIXED: Section separator width being incorrect in some cases when using boxed layout
– FIXED: Quick view dynamic data link not working when used within Title element
– FIXED: Quick view triggering button not working when product rending elements are used on a single product page
– FIXED: PHP notice in dynamic data when element_category terms are not present
– FIXED: Anchor scroll menu highlighting not being correct when using side header layouts
– FIXED: Incorrect video script loading order causing JS error when using Vimeo videos in Avada Slider
– FIXED: Mobile menu item height being wrong in legacy headers in very rare cases
– FIXED: Post Page Options tab not showing in the live editor for CPTs
– FIXED: 100% width check in image class being not correct in layout sections, sometimes leading to incorrect image widths
– FIXED: Back-end compatibility issue with Slider Revolution rendering some icons at the end of the edit page screens
– FIXED: Switching between rendering logic methods with an additional parameter, appending parameter without removing previous one
– FIXED: AJAX selects in live editor causing a JS error in rare cases
– FIXED: JS error happening in Google Maps element when custom info box option is used
– FIXED: When using imported library content that contained Google fonts in the live editor the fonts not rendering correctly
– FIXED: Width/Height labels of text-shadow position option being incorrect in the Title element in live editor
– FIXED: PHP notice in Post Cards element in the live editor
– FIXED: Loading spinner not being removed when no data was found by the dynamic data callback in live editor
– FIXED: Icons in Icon element can have wrong color in live editor, when icons are used in different layout sections on the same page
– FIXED: Angular brackets in the button text option of the Button element added through live editor break the layout
– FIXED: YouTube script missing dependency causing JS error in live editor
– FIXED: Background color in Highlight element showing in live editor even when set to be transparent
– FIXED: Option dependencies still being applied in live editor, even when turned off in Global Options
– FIXED: Live editor toolbar going above the visual editor toolbar when using full-screen editing mode
– FIXED: Posts not changing with post type in live editor in the Post Cards element
– FIXED: PHP error in live editor in Meta element when displaying a WooCommerce product SKU that is not available

v7.4.2 – September 10th, 2021
– SECURITY: Fixed XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) issue in breadcrumbs when using bbPress plugin and being on bbPress search page
– SECURITY: Fixed XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) issue in Avada Forms component allowing unescaped HTML form entries to be loaded on the backend
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.8 (widget screen)
– FIXED: Dimension fields not saving in Global Options

v7.4.1 – June 16th, 2021
– NEW: Added possibility to dynamically trigger and populate Modal elements (e.g. for Post Card element)
– NEW: Added a filter for more control over additional link attributes
– IMPROVEMENT: Patcher will now only be loaded on back-end, improving compatibility and performance
– IMPROVEMENT: Refactored method of reading and filtering 3rd party CSS files for enqueuing to Avada’s compiled CSS
– FIXED: Uploaded custom fonts being loaded as Google fonts when used in page contents
– FIXED: Mega menus not correctly loading, when several menu elements using mega menus are on the same page
– FIXED: Mega menu hover transition not always being correct
– FIXED: Mega menu first level items having wrong font family and color, when mega menu titles are disabled
– FIXED: Table searches on back-end pages not working
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with Polylang plugin causing a fatal error on the front-end
– FIXED: PHP notice occurring when Polylang is active but no languages have been added
– FIXED: Empty column height being sometimes wrong when using a background image
– FIXED: Custom icon set social media icons not working correctly
– FIXED: RSS icon and female testimonial avatar missing from Avada’s icon font
– FIXED: Events Calendar single events sidebar items being incorrectly aligned
– FIXED: Sidebar JS script not correctly loaded on single events pages of Events Calendar, when metadata is in sidebar
– FIXED: Form logics and fields data being empty
– FIXED: Form entries pagination not working
– FIXED: Title highlight/rotation animation not working, if below it there is another title element using element animation
– FIXED: Icon padding being incorrect in sub-menus, when megamenu is turned off in Global Options
– FIXED: Avada Core plugin causing a fatal error when being active without Avada Builder or Avada
– FIXED: Minor styling issue of the theme Sharing Box
– FIXED: Title separator spacer missing from a few automatically added headings
– FIXED: PHP notice in class-fusion-searchform.php
– FIXED: WooCommerce product gallery image width being different in Firefox when left or right thumb navigation is used
– FIXED: Click mode not working in Vertical Menu widget
– FIXED: A few RTL issues in the back-end UI

= Version 7.4 – June 08th, 2021 =
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added a performance wizard to easily optimize all site settings, including recommendations for best results
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an engine to create critical CSS (CSS only used above the fold) to remove render-blocking CSS
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added option to skip image lazy loading for specific images, having them preloaded by the browser for faster above the fold rendering
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an icon scanner to find FontAwesome icons and allow for easier replacement with a custom icon font
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to enable Gzip compression (on servers that support it)
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to load jQuery in the footer
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option for facade/preview image loading in YouTube and Vimeo elements
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to set device type visibility for the Page Option slider
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added an option to turn off legacy button presets
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added assets from several 3rd party plugins, like WooCommerce, The Events Calendar, bbPress to our compilers for better performance
– NEW PERFORMANCE: Added Avada’s own device detection library for all kids of internal checks
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.waypoint JS library completely
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.appear JS library completely
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.cycle JS library completely
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.hoverIntent JS library completely
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.hoverFlow JS library completely
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the jQuery.niceScroll JS library completely to replace smooth scroll with CSS styling
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the responsive Title element script
– PERFORMANCE: Removed the deactivate mobile image hover script, reducing CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)
– PERFORMANCE: Removed empty column height and column background dimension scripts from front-end loading
– PERFORMANCE: Removed IE11 support (in line with the upcoming WordPress 5.8)
– PERFORMANCE: Changed some JavaScript event listeners to passive to improve scrolling performance
– PERFORMANCE: Refactored several JS files for better performance
– PERFORMANCE: Fixed CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) caused by parallax footer feature
– PERFORMANCE: Removed redundant escape function calls
– PERFORMANCE: Split off lightbox skin styles and only load styles for chosen skin
– PERFORMANCE: Separated out JS code for YouTube and Vimeo from different areas, so that code will only load if YouTube/Vimeo scripts are generally enabled
– PERFORMANCE: Made sure sidebar related JS code is only being loaded when page actually uses sidebars
– PERFORMANCE: Added image lazy loading to mega menu background images
– PERFORMANCE: Change loading procedure of mega menus in the Menu element for better loading performance
– PERFORMANCE: Split off WP admin bar menu creation to avoid other admin related functions loading on front-end
– NEW: 1 professionally designed, performance-optimized prebuilt website
– NEW: Added a side header builder
– NEW: Added support to use custom icons (from icon font) for social media icons
– NEW: Added support for all social media sharing networks within the lightbox
– NEW: Added an option to download the icon selection JSON for custom icon sets
– NEW: Added options for gradient text colors in Title element
– NEW: Added an option to Avada Forms date element to set a date format for flatpickr
– NEW: Added an option to set a placeholder text color for Avada Forms
– NEW: Added responsive minimum height options for Container element
– NEW: Added responsive alignment options for Social Links element
– NEW: Added an option for mega menu title justification in Menu element
– NEW: Added a new option to allow setting a custom maximum height for mobile menus in Menu element
– NEW: Added an option for letter spacing on main menu items in Menu element
– NEW: Added an option to allow usage of reCAPTCHA to User Login/Register elements
– IMPROVEMENT: Added additional image size to responsive images sizes attribute for screens with more than 1920px width
– IMPROVEMENT: Avada Forms will now use HubSpot’s form API, when submitting forms to HubSpot
– IMPROVEMENT: All features are now available after prebuilt site import, even if not used on that specific site
– IMPROVEMENT: Refactored the patcher classes, so that all parts of Avada can use them shared
– IMPROVEMENT: Refactored the Google font class, to add fewer font variants to body font, and to make sure no unneeded fonts get preloaded
– IMPROVEMENT: Extended new PHP responsive typography initialization to more areas
– IMPROVEMENT: Uploaded files in Avada Forms entries now showing as links, for easier opening
– IMPROVEMENT: Made sure the parallax JS script is not executed on mobile, if not enabled
– IMPROVEMENT: Removed compiled JS file from the builder frame in live editor to improve loading performance
– IMPROVEMENT: Added new actions and filters for better customizability
– IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions and dependencies for better usability
– UPDATED: Renamed Avada’s built-in icon font names from icomoon to awb-icons and awb-admin-icons
– UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.3
– UPDATED: Updated lazySizesscript to latest version
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed anchor not having an href issue caused by the anchor scroll feature
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed anchor tag being used in Column element markup, if image hover effect is used, even if no link was set
– ACCESSIBILITY: Removed aria-hidden attribute from focusable close button in Alert element
– FIXED: Double slash in custom icon CSS file path
– FIXED: Responsive typography being incorrect in Title element when the sizes get below the minimum font-size
– FIXED: Responsive typography not working for animated text parts in Title element when animation font-size is set
– FIXED: Custom font-size set in Avada Slider not being respected for responsive heading typography
– FIXED: Export of Avada Forms entries not taking unfilled fields into account
– FIXED: Upload field in Avada Forms is not working correctly when multiple files are allowed and POST method is not used
– FIXED: Sliding bar special menu item toggle not being auto-hidden on mobile when the option is disabled in Global Options
– FIXED: Avada Forms reCAPCHTA failing when more than one submission is made during a single page load
– FIXED: Menu element text transform option incorrectly applying to mega menu content
– FIXED: Menu element text hover color not being applied when using a flyout menu and using background images
– FIXED: Menu element mobile menu spacing incorrectly inheriting spacing from main menu
– FIXED: Menu element dropdown indicator being incorrectly positioned when using icon only elements
– FIXED: Carousels not working correctly in mega menus of Menu element
– FIXED: Menu item center positioning not working when using desc text and vertical menu layout in Menu element
– FIXED: Sub-menu box-shadow being applied incorrectly to mega menu sub-menus in Menu element
– FIXED: Not all font styles being applied in mobile menu when icon only option is used in the Menu element
– FIXED: Mega menu title icon spacing being incorrect in Menu element
– FIXED: Spacing between icon and text missing in Menu element, when icons are positioned on top of text
– FIXED: Flyout menu icon active color being applied to the main toggle icon when on a page that is part of the menu
– FIXED: Scroll section links not working correctly when unpublished or conditionally rendered containers are on the same page
– FIXED: WP admin bar height not being respected when using anchor scroll
– FIXED: Lazy loading of background images not correctly working
– FIXED: Custom sticky headers below sliders jumping up when scrolling down in some cases
– FIXED: Page on load being scrolled to Google map when tooltip is opened by default
– FIXED: Number of products option not working correctly in Woo Archive element when set to 0
– FIXED: Icon element default margin being incorrect, when alignment is chosen and icon being displayed inside a flex container
– FIXED: Global elements missing p tags when used in legacy containers
– FIXED: Fixed CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) issue caused by Avada Forms script on mobiles
– FIXED: Drop-down caret showing on WooCommerce Cart entry, even if cart is empty
– FIXED: WooCommerce multi-currency setup not working with quick view
– FIXED: WooCommerce quick view not working when used as dynamic data source in the Column element link option
– FIXED: WooCommerce ordering boxes incorrectly being displayed on product search result pages
– FIXED: WooCommerce Grid element having a few slider based options that don’t save correctly
– FIXED: WooCommerce sale badge not showing in the Woo Carousel element
– FIXED: WooCommerce SKU for variable products not auto-updating in Meta element or dynamic data if every variation has its own SKU
– FIXED: WooCommerce shipping calculator field positioning being wrong for some countries
– FIXED: WooCommerce custom cart/checkout layouts AJAX load default cart totals when shipping method is changed
– FIXED: WooCommerce custom cart layout AJAX load default cart template when cart is updated if cart page is not set in WooCommerce options
– FIXED: Removal of last item in WooCommerce custom cart layout causing a 500 error
– FIXED: Radio input showing on WooCommerce checkout page, even if only one shipping option is available
– FIXED: WPML translations of Global elements not working when elements are in legacy mode Containers
– FIXED: Rollover title displaying category title instead of post title on Portfolio archive pages
– FIXED: Rollover icons not reflecting Page Options setting correctly for icons
– FIXED: Portfolio archives being 404 when using Polylang plugin and languages are being set to different sites
– FIXED: Image placeholder missing on Portfolio archive pages if no featured image was set
– FIXED: Flyout menu not closing on mobile when header/menu is in sticky mode
– FIXED: Date archives not displaying dynamic post titles in Post Cards element
– FIXED: Live search input ID not being unique when multiple search boxes are on the same page
– FIXED: Live search result in Search element not being limited to post type, if only a single post type is selected
– FIXED: AJAX loading of next posts not working when using a custom search layout
– FIXED: AJAX loading of next posts not working when infinite scroll and load more posts by button elements are on same page
– FIXED: Styling issues on the single events page of The Events Calendar
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with The Events Calendar Pro plugin that led to widget options not saving correctly
– FIXED: Some hosts being blocked from updating Avada due to site URL being part of the user agent
– FIXED: PHP notice happening when retrieving SVG image dimensions on hosts where allow_url_fopen is disabled
– FIXED: Alignment of privacy bar button being wrong on RTL sites
– FIXED: Button set being cut off on some screen sizes in Avada Slider options
– FIXED: Avada Slider in parallax mode being incorrectly displayed when using boxed mode
– FIXED: Removed fallback in referrer function to make sure external referrers are not allowed
– FIXED: SSL issue being reported by some scanners, due to a few social sharing networks not using HTTPS
– FIXED: Text-based next/prev pagination buttons being limited in width when using the padding mode
– FIXED: Error happening when trying to perform a bulk action without an action being selected on back-end
– FIXED: Legacy font families for header and footer loading, even if Layout Builder was used to setting up header and footer
– FIXED: Compatibility issue of the MemberPress plugin with the Layout Builder
– FIXED: Column ID collision happening sometimes when different layout section previews are loaded in the live editor Layout Builder
– FIXED: Wireframe display issue in live editor when using different layout sections on one page
– FIXED: ACF dynamic callback being incorrect in Layout Builder
– FIXED: ACF dynamic data not being available in Post Card element
– FIXED: HTML content not working in before/after fields of dynamic content
– FIXED: Dynamic data countdown date not working correctly in live editor
– FIXED: Column margin/padding drag handlers disappearing on drag in some cases
– FIXED: Box shadow not working for Container element in live builder when currently editing the container

= v7.3.1 – April 13th, 2021 =
– NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2
– PERFORMANCE: Changed display mode of Menu element to be mobile-first, based on PHP estimation, to reduce CLS
– PERFORMANCE: Added image dimension auto-calculation for SVG uploads
– PERFORMNCE: Added custom icon font CSS files to the CSS compiler
– IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce products without featured image can now be shown in the Woo Product Grid element
– IMPROVEMENT: Added Avada’s element visibility options to the WooCommerce Cart elements
– IMPROVEMENT: Added support for dependency checks in the element scanner, in case some elements are part of other elements
– FIXED: Compatibility issue between WooCommerce builder and third party SEO plugins, causing fatal errors on edit pages
– FIXED: WooCommerce list view being displayed incorrectly when using Clean layout
– FIXED: WooCommerce Checkout Form opening element disappearing on backend page save
– FIXED: WooCommerce placeholder image not being used in the clean product layout
– FIXED: WooCommerce translation string mismatch
– FIXED: PHP warning on Post Card element when the source is set to WooCommerce products and WooCommerce being inactive
– FIXED: WooCommerce product archives using the blog archives sidebar in live editor
– FIXED: Check for custom layout for the WooCommerce shop page not always correct on backend editor
– FIXED: “Cart Page” label in backend pages table potentially being doubled up, depending on custom layout setup
– FIXED: Custom Flyout Menu not opening correctly if no link is set
– FIXED: Menu items set to be mega menu column titles that are linked not being displayed in the Menu element
– FIXED: Offset option not correctly working in Post Cards element
– FIXED: Rollover title displaying taxonomy name instead of post name on taxonomy pages
– FIXED: Deleted Avada Forms showing up as empty options in the form select field on the form entries page
– FIXED: Time and date fields in Avada Forms not getting correct styles applied when flatpickr is not used
– FIXED: Avada Forms time field not displaying 12hrs time format correctly
– FIXED: Avada Forms causing a JS error when used on sites with multi-language plugins when the form is missing a translation
– FIXED: reCAPTCHA causing JS error when multiple instances are used on the same page where one is in a Modal element
– FIXED: Sticky container positioning sometimes being off, when elements prior to it dynamically change height
– FIXED: Styling issue on conditional rendering logic options in live editor
– FIXED: Prebuilt website import failing on PHP8 when no widgets are set
– FIXED: Live editor not always being able to save page in Firefox due to timing issue
– FIXED: fusion_breadcrumbs_defaults filter not being applied when using the Breadcrumbs element
– FIXED: PHP notice in live editor when using custom layouts for post type archives
– FIXED: Custom icon font preload, preloading all font files instead just .ttf one
– FIXED: Avada Element Library table not being correctly updated when elements get deleted
– FIXED: Google fonts preloading not working for 400 variants

= v7.3 – March 30th, 2021 =
IMPORTANT: Avada will use purchase codes for product registration from version 7.3 onwards.
Existing installs that have already been updated, will need to update their registration with
their purchase codes, to receive future product updates.

In Avada 7.3 the WooCommerce builder gets extended and now allows fully custom shop, cart, checkout and archive pages.

– NEW: Added a completely new product registration setup, which now uses single purchase codes
– NEW: 2 professionally designed prebuilt websites using the new Avada WooCommerce Builder features
– NEW: Introducing the Avada Post Card setup, to easily create layouts to display multiple posts of a post type
– NEW: Post Cards element to display custom post cards as a grid, a carousel, or a slider
– NEW: Post Cards Archive element to render archives in the new post card style
– NEW: Post Card Image element, with specific layouts like rollover and crossfade
– NEW: Post Card Cart element for adding WooCommerce specific elements
– NEW: 17 prebuilt post cards, including 9 blog posts, 4 products and 4 categories
– NEW: WooCommerce Sorting element for shop pages
– NEW: WooCommerce Cart Table element
– NEW: WooCommerce Cart Coupons element
– NEW: WooCommerce Cart Shipping element
– NEW: WooCommerce Cart Totals element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Tabs element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Billing element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Shipping element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Order Review element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Order Payment element
– NEW: WooCommerce Checkout Form element, to wrap the main checkout form as needed
– NEW: WooCommerce Archives element to easily display archive page layouts
– NEW: WooCommerce Product Grid element, to easily display product sections and pages
– NEW: Added WooCommerce Cross Sells to the Up-Sells element
– NEW: Added 9 options for custom WooCommerce out of stock badge styling and added option to the Product Images element
– NEW: Added a new option to have the menu cart counter displayed as badge
– NEW: Added several options to Dynamic Data system (e.g. “Hello user”, Cart update, items in cart, permalink etc.)
– NEW: Added Conditional element rendering system, to display elements based on custom conditions
– NEW: Conditional rendering system for Avada Forms
– NEW: Added option to easily export entries of Avada Forms
– NEW: Added option to allow multiple file uploads in one upload input in Avada Forms
– NEW: Added disabled option to text and textarea input of Avada Forms
– NEW: Added Scroll Progress element to visualize page scroll progress
– NEW: Added 3 new animation types to Avada’s element animation system
– NEW: Added new options to Countdown element, including counting to a WooCommerce product sale or an Events Calendar event
– NEW: Added post content excerpts and font options to the Content element
– NEW: Added icon background size option to the Icon element
– NEW: Added link options and left/right margin to the Title element
– NEW: Added space between choice to the main menu item text align option in Menu element
– NEW: Added margin options and justification alignment choice to the Text Block element
– NEW: Added vertical alignment option of Column element when in row mode.
– NEW: Added option to YouTube and Vimeo elements to set a title attribute for accessibility
– NEW: Added option to disable FAQ element rich snippets
– NEW: Added WP CLI command to easily clear Avada caches
– NEW: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7
– NEW: Compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1
– PERFORMANCE: Added new option to automatically search site-wide for unused elements and disable them in builder option
– PERFORMANCE: Added 2 new options to choose variants and subsets for key fonts to be preloaded
– PERFORMANCE: Added a new option to disable jQuery migrate script
– IMPROVEMENT: Google fonts will now always load in woff2 format
– IMPROVEMENT: Added validation to Google maps API key field to avoid white space issues
– IMPROVEMENT: Avada Slider is now available for users with editor role
– IMPROVEMENT: Custom layouts can now be assigned to bbPress topics
– IMPROVEMENT: Meta and Pagination elements are now available in Page Title Bar Layout Sections
– IMPROVEMENT: Cloning of Layout Section elements is now possible
– IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce Notice element now works on all pages
– IMPROVEMENT: WooCommerce rating sorting option now also gets disabled if reviews in general are disabled
– IMPROVEMENT: Added clone and live edit options and type icons to the element library table
– IMPROVEMENT: Added new actions and filters for better customizability
– UPDATED: Font Awesome now is on version 5.15.3 offering 1609 icons
– UPDATED: Added compatibility with latest Contact Form 7, which no longer uses ajax
– UPDATED: jQuery code to make sure it is compatible with WordPress 5.7+
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed role issue in Toggles element
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed legacy Page Title Bar missing landmark role
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed load more button not being a real button
– ACCESSIBILITY: Fixed close buttons in Modal element not working for screen readers
– FIXED: Contact Form 7 ajax loading spinner not working correctly
– FIXED: Dynamic CSS not being correctly loaded in a few cases where async loading is used
– FIXED: Color pickers in Global Options not updating in live editor
– FIXED: First and last image in the WooCommerce product lightbox being doubled
– FIXED: Hidden WooCommerce products still appearing in live search results
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with ‘WooCommerce Additional Variation Images’ plugin, where variation images get duplicated
– FIXED: Disabled variations not working for Avada’s WooCommerce variation buttons
– FIXED: RTL issue in Avada’s WooCommerce variation swatches
– FIXED: Quantity field length issue when using percentage values in the WooCommerce Add To Cart element
– FIXED: WooCommerce shop page being affected by a Layout that is set for all products in the live editor
– FIXED: PHP notice when importing a prebuilt site with products when WooCommerce is not active
– FIXED: Regular price position not working correctly for variable products when using the WooCommerce Price element
– FIXED: WooCommerce quick view image animation in cases where the featured image is larger than the quick view modal
– FIXED: WooCommerce Add To Cart element stacked variations not displaying correctly for grouped products
– FIXED: PHP notice on WooCommerce single product pages, when percentage sale badge is used and regular price missing
– FIXED: Sticky sidebars not working correctly when header is turned off in Page Options
– FIXED: Lightbox loading Vimeo preview image even if URL param is set to suppress it
– FIXED: Lightbox not working for elements added newly through ajax load more / infinite scroll actions when only first image per posts should be shown
– FIXED: Max width setting not working in Lottie element if the element is linked
– FIXED: Submitting an Avada Form through ajax causing a JS error
– FIXED: Some Avada Form elements not being translatable using WPML
– FIXED: Error message always being shown in Avada Forms when using “Send To URL” submission method
– FIXED: HTML entities encoding for Avada Forms email contents missing
– FIXED: Avada Form input labels not being correctly associated with their inputs
– FIXED: Number field in Avada Forms being able to be set to negative numbers, if min value is set to 0
– FIXED: Hidden form fields not being available for the HubSpot form mapping
– FIXED: SQL error when Avada Form tables have to be created on update
– FIXED: Avada Form labels of radio inputs not using label color
– FIXED: Form encryption type being wrong when using upload inputs and POST submission method in Avada Forms
– FIXED: Open and close action hooks for Avada Form being off
– FIXED: Emulation of terms being off in the live editor
– FIXED: Dynamic data for term count not working correctly
– FIXED: Custom footer layout can cause post contents column width to be off
– FIXED: Content width being incorrect on Events Calendar single events pages, when meta sidebar is turned off
– FIXED: JS error when using load more / infinite scroll options in Events element
– FIXED: Duplicated CSS menu ID when using vertical menu widget
– FIXED: Facebook widget disappearing on resize, if the calced width is not an integer
– FIXED: Widget element throwing PHP notice, if plugins serving corresponding widgets get disabled
– FIXED: Events Calendar widget option styling being incorrect in the editor, when using Events Calendar Pro
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with the Events Calendar lists widget, leading to settings being unchangeable
– FIXED: Default value of border color not correctly working in Meta element
– FIXED: Some elements not correctly picking up number of posts from Settings > Reading as default
– FIXED: Page Title Bar title being wrong on post type archive pages
– FIXED: Element specific JS files missing in compiled file if page is password protected
– FIXED: Lift-up shadow in Nested Columns element being incorrect when columns use rounded corners
– FIXED: Spacing issue in live editor when editing Nested Columns element in the library
– FIXED: Nested Columns element changes not always registered correctly as content change when in wireframe mode of the live editor
– FIXED: Gallery element preview in live editor not working when using the bulk image upload method
– FIXED: Backend editor jumps to top of page after editing nested columns
– FIXED: Styling of backend editor’s content error modal being off
– FIXED: Checklist element having empty paragraph tags when being saved as global element
– FIXED: Clone button in Pricing Table element nor working correctly
– FIXED: JS error caused Sharing Box element script if no link is set
– FIXED: Footer font color global option using incorrect default value
– FIXED: Issue in Search element where search being limited to post title did not always work, depending on Global Options settings
– FIXED: Avada Slider height being wrong when using full screen mode but not parallax on side header layouts
– FIXED: Width and height attributes missing in Avada Slider fallback image
– FIXED: A PHP8 compatibility error in class-fusion-settings.php
– FIXED: Some scripts missing a dependency, causing JS errors
– FIXED: JetPack compatibility issue where social sharing icons were displayed in custom header and footer layouts
– FIXED: A 404 error on assets in Avada’s LayerSlider styles
– FIXED: Removed hard-coded column width in Related Posts element, if there are viewer posts than set columns
– FIXED: Social Sharing element link and title don’t work for archives
– FIXED: Incorrect height of SVGs when using image lazy load
– FIXED: Missing text domain on 2 strings on the Avada dashboard
– FIXED: Clickable elements not always working in Text Block element
– FIXED: PHP notice in fallback method for loading custom icon fonts
– FIXED: Element titles being escaped in the builder leading to issues with translations to some languages
– FIXED: PHP notice happening in some cases when using live search
– FIXED: Compatibility issue with some Slider Revolution slider setups
– FIXED: Post type being displayed as slug instead of name for custom post types on the search results page
– FIXED: Tracking code in a few cases not loading correctly when using privacy options
– FIXED: Live edit link in the WP admin bar being wrong when editing Layout Sections with preview set to archives
– FIXED: Dependency issue in Global Options panel, where some menu options were not correctly displayed on first tab load
– FIXED: Icon option not being correctly initialized on a fresh install, when Global Options have not been saved yet
– FIXED: Popover element displaying ‘undefined’ instead of staying blank when no content was set
– FIXED: Sub-menu not being toggled when clicking on link text of a hashtag online menu item in the Menu element
– FIXED: Standard font family selection not working correctly in Menu element
– FIXED: Icon alignment issue in Menu element, when using vertical layout
– FIXED: Library elements being publicly queryable

= v7.2.1 – December 21th, 2020 =
– NEW: Added product sorting options to the WooCommerce Carousel elements
– NEW: Direct link to a Toggle element item is now possible on page load and when linking from another page
– UPDATED: Child theme in full package, to reflect change for stylesheet dependency
– FIXED: WooCommerce list view styling being incorrect
– FIXED: WooCommerce responsive columns not working for the product category shortcode
– FIXED: Featured image slider on pages / posts not working
– FIXED: Container element background videos not working
– FIXED: Lightbox not working on posts / single portfolio items
– FIXED: Lightbox thumbnail request for Vimeo videos leading to 301 and to lightbox loop request
– FIXED: Lightbox images being too large in height when no image title is displayed
– FIXED: Fixed mode in Gallery element loading full-sized images
– FIXED: Infinite scroll and load more not working in Recent Posts element
– FIXED: Email subject encoding option not working correctly
– FIXED: Legacy header causing a jump on scroll when sticky header kicks in, in certain setups
– FIXED: Google Map missing from legacy Contact Page template
– FIXED: Avada Form submission to URL option not respecting server response
– FIXED: PHP notice on terms page of WooCommerce Attributes when using Avada Button type
– FIXED: Custom variation terms missing from import of new WooCommerce prebuilt websites
– FIXED: Avada Live editor not working in some cases, depending on post type selection

Free Download Avada Theme v7.11.9 GPL – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme do our best to share Free(GPL)WordPress Themes,Plugins and other PHP Scripts.We always try our best to serch the best Pro Version WP Themes/plugins/scripts so that you could always Download files and could remain update with more latest updates.

All files are collected from the internet, if you find that the file cannot be downloaded, please Contact us by our telegram and we will fix the links within 48 hours.If you encounter some files that cannot be installed, Perhaps you need to unzip the plugin before installing it.

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